How to choose an acrylic bath

How to choose an acrylic bath

More recently, the acrylic bath was considered almost a symbol of wealth. Prices for products from this material were broken. However, competition in this market forced producers to significantly reduce the cost. Now acrylic baths can be purchased from the middle wealth family. However, when buying an acrylic bath is easily pleased with the plastic fake. How to avoid this, consider further ...

Acrylic for baths is divided into extruded and cast. The first less high-quality and cheaper. The second is more durable and practical, various technological sizes, such as hydromassage, ozonizer, backlight, etc. are mounted in the acrylic bath.

Before you stop the choice on the bath, ask the country by the manufacturer. Keep in mind the market has a huge number of cheap Chinese-made baths, which will serve no more than a year. Remember, cheap fish - frowning jushka.

Examine the thickness of the acrylic and the reinforced layer. Make it easily even with the help of an ordinary flashlight. Attach it to the wall on one side and turn on. If the wall is shifted, it means it is thin, and the bath is poor-quality. Good acrylic baths have a layer thickness not less than 5-6 mm. The most common baths made of acrylic 2-4 mm thick, which is also permissible in general. However, there are often plastic baths on the market, which are opened by a layer of acrylic with a thickness of 1-2 mm. But too thick acrylic (more than 8 mm) is very expensive. If the price for such a bath is not very high, most likely, you are dealing with multi-layer combined plastic.

Check the quality acrylic. Ideally acrylic white, glossy, perfectly smooth. If you have noticed roughness, scratches, stains of yellow color - in front of you fake. "Special" tubercles on the bottom should also alert. Perhaps they hide defects. In addition, remember, on an absolutely smooth and flat surface of the foot will never slide.

Inspect the sides. In this case, check the number of layers. A good bath consists of two layers - acrylic and polyurethane. If you have discovered a larger number of layers - you should not stop the choice on this product.

Test bath strength. To do this, press on its bottom. If the bath has not flashed - it is made of high-quality acrylic. But plastic baths are not licensed, therefore they are pushing.

Another factor in which you can determine the quality of the bath - frame. This is a special frame that is manufactured for each acrylic bath individually. The frame has legs and a square made of metal pipe. If you found that the frame is already installed around the perimeter of the bath, it means that the manufacturer wants to hide flaws.

Acrylic baths often affect the variety of design solutions and forms. However, the unusual shape of the bath is easiest to be made of fine acrylic. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of the original bath especially carefully in order not to lose in quality.

Check the drain and overflow systems. The self-respecting manufacturer will not save on these mechanisms and is usually equipped with a bath with a brass siphon with a semi-automatic opening-closing system.

Select the best size bath. Its height can fluctuate from 65 to 70 centimeters. The depth is 50-60 centimeters (an adult can comfortably hold his head over the water). Length - 150-180 centimeters - stretching, your head must rest on the side. The width depends on your preferences and size of the bathroom.

Feel free to ask the consultant about all the moments that interest you. And to choose the best size bath, check it simply in the store - then climb into it and determine whether it will be convenient for you to relax in it after a hard working day.

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