How to restore bath coating

How to restore bath coating

The old bath no longer pleases the eye: the chips appeared on the enamel and stains of rust, and her surface became rough and dim. It's time to change the old bath to a new one, but what to do, if it is now there are no funds for a new plumber? There is a way out - update the bath, i.e. Restore its coating. There are several recovery methods, each of which can be done independently or entrust professionals.

The old bath will be updated, painting it with a special enamel, the bay of liquid (bulk) acrylic, or insert the finished acrylic liner into it, which will completely repeat the inner contours of the old bath.

Enamels for baths today are sold in any construction stores and there are both can and aerosol. And if the second is lighter in application (applied by simple spraying), then the first requires working skills with a brush or roller.

In any case, if you decide to restore the bath with enamel, then it must be prepared for painting. On all banks and cartridges enamel there is an indication how to do it. Briefly it looks like this:

  • Removing old enamel with waterproof sandpaper or abrasive stone;
  • Degreasing and primer;
  • Application of enamel from the canister or with roller or brushes.

Restruiting the bath with enamel, it can be repainted in any color, distingurable from the traditional white. For this, the initial enamel is meant to the desired color right in the store.

Enamel on the inner surface of the bath is applied in several layers, each of which should dry. After the final application of the bath should be a few days, at this time there should be no contact of the new enamel with water or any objects. It is also necessary to take into account that in the future the recovered enamel can be washed only with the help of neutral detergents, such as gels for washing dishes. It is not recommended to use baths for washing baths containing abrasives, alkali or acid. Since the new enamel is not applied in the factory conditions, where there is specialized equipment, it is more vulnerable to all external influences.

In order to restore the bath using the bulk acryl, it must be prepared as well as for the painting enamel. Liquid acrylic is also sold in construction stores, and how to work - you can see here.

The easier way to restore enamel is to insert into the bath insert, this method is called "bath in the bathroom". First of all, you need to buy such a liner, for this it is worth going to the store with all measurements of the old bath: length, width, depth and angle of inclination. If the bath is imported and is known for its manufacturer and brand, then the liner can be searching on the official website of the manufacturer.

To insert such a liner, no careful surface preparation is required - the bath must be simply clean and dry. Information, how to independently insert the liner in the bath, can be found on the Internet, for example, here. It is necessary to care for the renewed way in this way, as well as for ordinary acrylic, i.e. With the help of special cleaning products.

If you decide to restore the bath, then keep in mind that enamel applied to the old coating will look good for 1-2 years. Next, it will begin to fill and decompose, as it will be applied not in the factory conditions. But on the liners producers give a guarantee up to 20 years, but it costs such a pleasure much more expensive than enamel. The bulk acrylic will also serve longer than enamel, but only if working with it, the application technology was accurately observed. Choose what you like more, and restore the bath.

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