  • Tools, equipment
    Each novice radio amateur sooner or later has to get a minimal set of tools and learn the basics soldering basics.
    23.07.2017 520 0
  • Varnishes, paints
    The main enemy of the metal is corrosion. Steel pipes need high-quality anti-corrosion protection, as they are constantly in contact with condensate and water.
    02.03.2015 2272 3
  • Tools, equipment
    The profile tube has a non-familiar round cross section, but a rectangular, square or oval. In everyday life, such pipes are used for the manufacture of furniture, construction of scaffolding, mounting fences, arbors and greenhouses.
    11.11.2014 2076 0
  • Metals
    In the construction market, new materials differ from all known ones are constantly appearing. More progressive manufacturing technologies are applied, and the emphasis is placed on facilitating work related to these materials.
    09.10.2014 1408 3
