How to install an acrylic bath

How to install an acrylic bath

Acrylic baths today are very popular, as they differ in external attractiveness, low weight, which facilitates their installation, smooth surface, which is convenient when leaving them, keep warmly well. In addition, acrylic is a fairly high-quality material withsting large loads and not fading over time. Consider the methods and features of their installation.

So, you chose a bath. But there is still a lot of work - the design needs to be properly installed. Otherwise, it can be deformed.

Eliminate such installation methods acrylic bath:

  1. On the legs and frame in the form of a frame;
  2. Application of a brick frame;
  3. Combination - legs and frame made of bricks.

Installation on legs and frame. The method is fast enough. Some masters prefer to use the timber for the manufacture of a frame if there are no legs in the kit. But the details of the wood will quickly ruin, as moisture will affect them.

It is recommended as follows:

  • First you need to attach the legs on the bath, after having marked and wind the holes intended for fasteners. Deepents should not be too deep. It is important to work carefully by installing the restrictions on the drill so that you accidentally drilled the bath!
  • Screw the frames of the frame.
  • At this stage, the installation of the siphon is performed. First connect the drain holes. Then do the assembly of the siphon itself.
  • Install the bath. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust the horizontal position of its sidebar using the level. Put the position on the walls and take the design to the side.
  • Set the hooks for mounting the design along the line, which you outlined, to avoid deformation.
  • After that, you can put the bath in place.
  • Install the screen that will hide all communications.

Mounting on the frame made of bricks. The design is constructed in the case of a sale of a bath without legs. First, make a brick base, which should not interfere with the siphon. In places where the bath is adjacent to the wall, use the mounting hooks, as with the first installation option.

Installing the corner bath. Such products are well suited for small rooms.

Installation is performed in such a sequence:

  1. Check the angle in the place of installation of the bath so that it is straight. If necessary, swing the tile before laying.
  2. After alignment of the walls, you can proceed to their finish.
  3. You can fix the angular bath with 2 ways - on legs or backups. More reliable second method.
  4. Screw and adjust the legs, put the bath, check it out horizontal and remove to the side.
  5. Mark on the wall to find the side of the side, measuring the distance between the floor and the bathroom.
  6. Put the backups slightly below the bottom of the bath, using bricks and cement mortar.
  7. Wait at least 12 hours so that the solution is dry.
  8. Check the accuracy of the joints between the bath drain and the sewer and wake them with sealant.
  9. After such actions, you can safely install the bath, filling out the gap that was formed between the base and the bottom, the mounting foam.
  10. Close the slots formed, a special adhesive border ribbon or plastic plinth.
  11. Connect the bath to sewage.
  12. Fill it with water and leave in such a state until the foam is free.

Installation of the acrylic bath is completed, as can be seen, to carry out it completely under the power of one person. For clarity, look at the video where the installation process is shown.

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