How to fix an acrylic bath

How to fix an acrylic bath

Acrylic baths have a number of advantages compared to other species. First, the designs made from acrylic are very easy and easy to install and install. Secondly, due to the abundance of the forms and sizes of such products, everyone will pick it up that not only fit in the bathroom, but will fully meet the buyer's desires. Thirdly, such baths, in contrast to steel or cast iron, are always warm and pleasant to the touch, which turns the process of swimming in pleasure. There are several ways to install baths from acrylic.

Bath installation is always preceded by its choice and purchase. If the reason for the replacement served a breakdown of an old bath - the choice of a new one will limit himself to the selection of it in size and shape, if you decide to completely rebuild the bathroom - choose what you like. When choosing a bath from acrylic should be particularly attentive. The correctly selected design can serve you not one decade, while the poor-quality product will require a replacement in a few years. The thickness of the acrylic coating should be about 7 millimeters, this magnitude can be found at the store employee, or inspected the bath on its own.

Attach the housing to the legs or a frame that comes in the kit. If there is no frame in the kit - buy it. The use of metal crate will minimize the defigns and secure the product as reliably. When selecting a frame, you clearly monitor the size of the sizes. After connecting the frame to the case, detect the place of installation of the bath: Remove the garbage from the floor, clean the irregularities. If your new bath is equipped with a hydromassage function - do not forget to mount the sockets equipped with grounding. After that, proceed to the wiring of water and sewage pipes. It is best to hide them into the wall - then they are guaranteed will not interfere with the installation.

The next stage is fittingry work. They include adjusting the bath in height and the designation of the fitness places to the walls of the room. When adjusting the height, make sure that the upper edge is perfectly smooth. To determine its inclination, use the level. If a decorative panel was included with the bath - try it in to make sure it is easily becoming in the right place. After that, remove the bath and screw the frame to the walls of the room. If the walls are covered with tiles - use a special drill to trigge the holes that prevents it from splitting.

It remains to form a special substrate that prevents the swing of the bath and gives it additional stability. Use thick rubber or brick as a substrate. Most often, brick is used if the set was missing legs. In addition to the materials listed above, the mounting foam is perfect for forming a substrate. Before it is applied, be sure to fill the bath with water. Drying the foam is a day. After the expiration of this time, pour water and install the decorative screen.

In addition to using the frame, the method of installing the bath on the podium is actively used. It is most often used in cases where the design was sold without legs and a metal frame. The podium is erected from the blocks, which use cement mortar for the tie. The bath is installed inside the podium and with the help of firing materials is attached to its walls. For particularly durable fixation, you can resort to the combined method that implies the simultaneous use of the podium and frame.

Thanks to a small weight, the installation of acrylic baths does not take much time and does not require much effort. After a complex of these works independently, you will not only save money, but also personally form the interior of the room.

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