How to fix steel bath

How to fix steel bath

Despite the inflexibly growing popularity of shower cabins, ordinary baths are still considerable in demand. If you want to install a new bath, made of steel, you have several options for installing it - to do it yourself or charge the master.

Many it seems that there is nothing complicated in self-installing bath. It is true only half, because when attaching this accessory, the bathroom has a lot of nuances, the observance of which is necessary. If they challenge them, the new bath may be poorly fixed and will "ride" on the floor, which will overcome the compounds, breaking the sewage corrugations and flooding neighbors. If the workflow conditions are not followed, there is a chance that the water will not fully drain from the bowl. At the bottom of the bath, a puddle will continue to form, which will overcome with the damage to the outdoor coating and buying a new bath.

The method of fastening the bath is determined by the view of the legs going with it in the kit. If the legs are glued or fixed with bolts, then before starting work, put the bath on the side. The bottom should look towards the wall, along which it will stand. Attach the legs to the housing, then get the bath. If in a set of the legs "benches", then first install them, and then put the bathroom on them. The installation site of such legs should be accurately designed and coincide with places designated on the instructions. To the floor legs are attached with the help of large anchors.

Another way of fastening the bath is the use of mounting foam. Before starting the bathing, the bath must very accurately set it in the plane. Top edges of the bath install strictly parallel sex, otherwise it will be located with a slope, which will lead to a significant reduction in its service life. In addition, such a bath will spoil the entire appearance of the room. Alignment is better to implement using a water or laser level. Most often, the natural slope of the bottom for draining water from the bowl is provided in its design, so additional works in this area are not required.

The distance between the room floor and the bottom point of the bath case should be about 1 centimeter. This is due to the fact that the bottom of the bath is slightly deformed by the weight of water and the person located in it. As additional leveling tools, you can use pieces of stone, brick or concrete. These materials are best suited for the work of this species, as they are not susceptible to rot or shrinkage. Before using the mounting foam, fill the bath with water to the maximum possible limit. Giving it a natural burden during fixation will avoid bias the bath after the entire complex of work. Constructing places for walls with mounting foam, also swing free space between the bottom and floor. After 6 hours, drain the water and you can start using a new bathroom.

You can also fix the bath with a metal frame. Frames make it from a steel corner of the product dimensions and the size of the room in which it will be installed. Finished design is attached to the walls of the room strictly on a predetermined markup. Install the bath in the frame and fix bolts in it. The outer part of the frame can be seed a decorative panel that will hide the frame and give the room a refined view.

Installation of the bath is a process of long and time consuming, but there is nothing that you could not do after read this article.

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