How to paint the bath at home

How to paint the bath at home

Over time, any bath loses its original attractive look, the rust and yellowness appears on it, enamel is heard. And immediately to mind comes to the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing the product new. But it is conjugate with the conversion of the whole room, additional cash costs and difficulties. An acrylic liner is also possible, but it will no longer be much cheaper than a new product. Therefore, it is more expedient to update the bath by painting it.

To begin with, remember that work related to painting is carried out with open windows, in the respirator, apron and two-layer gloves.

Prepare such a tool and materials:

  • flice brush with a size of 70-90 mm;
  • grinding nozzle for a drill;
  • dyrax circle;
  • laner knife;
  • detergent pemolux and adrin;
  • rags or microfibrous napkins;
  • measuring container;
  • putty knife;
  • natural paper and metal brush.

To cover the bath should choose a special paint. The product is constantly in contact with water and is located in the room where the level of humidity is increased, so the substance should be resistant to moisture and differ in high adhesion. Having bought ordinary paint, be prepared for its rapid detachment from the treated surface. When choosing the composition you have only 2 options: you can use a special enamel - epoxy or acrylic. To update the bath, as well as disguise defects on it, you can choose not only white paint, but also blue, salad or pink.

Main producers of paints that are used for painting baths:

  1. Dulux is an undisputed leader in this market. The most popular product called Duluxrealifekitchen & Bathroom.
  2. Tikkurila is a manufacturer of Finland, which manufactures substances consisting of high-irrigation primer and a coating dye. The coating is glossy and matte. The ideal coloring system of the bathroom is Luja.
  3. Jobi is a brand from Germany, the washable paint jobiwaschfest enjoys fame.

Before applying for a bath, such paint should be prepared, that is, mix the components. Normal properties are saved by the composition for 30 or 40 minutes, then it becomes "tight", and it will be bad. After applying paint, chemical calcination occurs, since its drying is carried out together with the evaporation of the solvent, which is contained in it.

After purchasing paint, it is necessary to properly prepare the work surface:

  • Remove with the bathing bath - lime and fat, with alkaline, for example, Pemiolux. Do not use chlorine-based substances. Apply the cleaner to the base and leave for 10-15 minutes, then it is necessary to wash off. To check the quality of work, wet the product, the water layer should be smooth, without the formation of jets and droplets. The latter testifies to poor degreasing.
  • At the next stage, it is necessary to proceed to remove old paint, dirt and rust flux. You can remove all the coating, and you can remove the top layer, but the rough surface will remain. To do this, use a grinding machine. Also suitable electric drill with abrasive nozzles. It should work in glasses, gloves and respirator, as there will be a lot of dust. If with the help of the power tool it did not work out to remove the enamel, it usually concerns the sites near the drain and internal angles, the sandpaper or metal brush will come to the rescue. After such manipulations, the surface of the bath should become rough and matte, without contamination. Roughness Check this: Spend a nail over the surface, it should not slide, ideally will "reach". In the light of the flashlight, there should be no defamatory stains. In the presence of chips, cracks and other damage, these sections are putty.
  • After that, the stage degreasing the bath. It is necessary to remove all the dust with the help of a vacuum cleaner. However, it is impossible to touch the surface itself. Moisten the rag in the solvent, wipe the places located around the plots, and put the plums on the place. Then you need to handle the bath with a tool on an acid-based basis, what are the Sanoks or Adrilan (alkaline tools, such as pemolux, are not suitable), leaving the product in this form by an hour and a half. Next type water in the bath and watch the design getting started. If this did not happen, apply another bottle of detergent. After cooling the fluid, we drain it, again fill the bath and drain, so 3-5 times. Now quickly dry the bath using a hairdryer or an electric heater so that the dust does not get to her surface. The quality of degreasing again check water so that there are no droplets. At the final stage, we will analyze the strapping of plots and proceed to painting the bathroom.

When painting the bathroom, you need to create suitable conditions in the room. In such enamels there are volatile components that have a destructive impact on nickel-plated equipment and Sanfayans, so or remove and remove the bath, or remove all from the room, except the faience products - bath, sink, and bidet, remove the shower with the hose, wrap the cranes. The washing machine can be tightly wrapped with a film and scotch.

The staining procedure of the bath is as follows:

  1. According to the instructions, it may be necessary to preheat the base before making a hardener. To do this, we draw a water bath: Open the can with paint, sending it to half an hour to the container where hot water contains. Stir until it is in a warm condition, and leave to cool. But this is not a universal council, but a private case.
  2. Prepare paint for the bathroom in the strictest accordance with the instructions so as not to spoil the work. Remember that it is interfered with parts, as necessary: \u200b\u200bfor example, 200 ml of paint, 10 ml of acetone and 20 ml of a hardener. This is due to the fact that the composition after it was kneading, it will be fun in front. But subtleties depend on the manufacturer.
  3. Put rubber gloves, take epoxy enamel and a suitable flue brush with genuine bristles. Moisten it and spend the vertically strip in the bottom edge direction. After rubbing on the parties. When holding the next band, remember that the horizontal grout should overlap by 50%. If bristles got out of the brush, a rairy knife is used to remove it. Plums are paid at painting the bathroom special attention. By making the first layer, we leave it for 15-20 minutes (depending on the instruction) and we prepare the second part of the epoxy enamel. Apply the second layer is necessary from the place where the first was done. Moving in a similar direction so that the coating is homogeneous.
  4. Paint the bath acrylic easier. For this suitable brush and roller - to choose from. The best technique is to apply the composition of the spiral, which is narrowing from the edges to the drain. At the same time, pay attention to bubbles: if they do not collapse over a pair of minutes, we join the brush. When the first layer was frozen, apply the second.
  5. It is recommended to control the influx: for epoxy enamel - after 10-15 minutes, for acrylic - 3-5. To remove the drums, make the brush with a stroke in the upward direction until the defect flashes. Slops that were formed on the edges of the drain holes, cut the knife after they clarify.
  6. It is possible that after the restoration of the bath will have to buy new cuffs or gaskets, since the diameter of the drain holes becomes smaller, and the walls acquire a greater thickness.

After staining the bathroom, follow the room for several days - from 3 to 7. It is desirable that the enamel time to the first bath procedures passed as much time as possible to exclude the detachment in the future.

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Anton Dchechenko 01/18/2016 at 14:56.

Before the restoration of the bath has long disassembled with the materials, in the end chose the shared and did not regret, the material lays down exactly and without bloats, quickly freezes, I advise everyone

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