How to paint wooden windows

How to paint wooden windows

The technology of restoration of window frames depends on the state of wooden structures and requires a qualitative execution of certain operations.

Preparation for work

The appropriate time for coloring windows is a warm spring day, when there is no precipitation and the sun is not too bright. For the repair of wooden frames at different stages of operation, the following items are used:

  • Construction hairdryer;
  • Sanding machine;
  • Hammer, chisel;
  • Spatula, scraper;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • Brush and rags;
  • Dishes for paint;
  • Brushes, screwdrivers.

If necessary, the replacement is prepared wooden staps and minor nails. For surface treatment, applies compositions:

  • Soil-antiseptic;
  • Wood putty;
  • Paint for windows or varnish;
  • Solvent.

Sashes and accessories are removed if possible, the glasses are pulled out or closed with paper with a tape. The old coating with wooden parts are written for what three ways to remove paint.

Sealing slots and cracks

After cleaning, the defects of surfaces are hidden by putty for outdoor work. The composition on an acrylic basis is applied by subtle layers in several approaches. If you plan a transparent finish, the putty is selected under the tone of the wood or tinted with a color. The repair mix can be prepared independently of epoxy glue and small sawdust.

Grinding surfaces

Okurization is always performed in two stages: first pass by large emery paper (No. 80), then the surface "brings" a fine-grained skin (№120). Grinding operations in the preparation process are used repeatedly:

  1. After removing the old paint, wood is performed completely.
  2. During the elimination of defects, each layer at the place of application is cleaned.
  3. At the end of the spittle, the entire surface of the window frame is grinding.
  4. Remove the small pile, climbing after treating the tree by antiseptic.

Application of primer

The impregnation of the frame by the primary composition protects the wood from rotting, reduces paint consumption and improves its clutch with the surface. The surface is wiped with a dust rag from dust, degreased and remove traces of the resin. The primer is applied with a brush, thoroughly rubbing fluid in the direction of fibers.

Painting of a wooden window

The paint for the first pass is slightly diluted with the goal of better closing of wood pores. Normal consistency - when the enamel does not spread like water, and is easily applied to a uniform layer. The finish coating is performed by a thick paint along the dried surface. Brush dip half and having spent around the edge, leave surplus in the bank. First wooden window Color from the outside using a wide tool for smooth planes and thin for corners. The brush makes overlapping smears from the bottom up, not leaving the outers. Protective paper and tape are cleaned immediately to damage the colorful layer.

A well-performed paintwork is kept for 5-7 years, does not require an annual update and increases the duration of the wooden window service.

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