The heated towel rail must be in each bathroom. And not at all with a decorative purpose, but for the execution of direct functions. Such a device serves as a rack for wet towels, performs the role of the heating radiator, prevents the formation of undesirable condensate. The functionality of the coil is quite wide, and therefore the quality must be appropriate. How to choose a heated towel rail so that in the bathroom it was warm, dry and beautiful at the same time?
When choosing a heated towel rail, pay attention to the form of the device. Today you can see two popular options - the ladder and the serpent. The ladder dryer is much more convenient and more practical than the second, since it allows you to dry things along the entire length and accommodates a much larger amount of linen. In addition, the ladder has a greater heating area, which has a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the bathroom. The serpentor, unlike the ladder, is characterized by a much smaller market value, so much more often found in modern apartments. Also, coils give preferences of the owners who do not want to redo the riser under the ladder.
The size of the heated towel rail is no less significant than the form. Choosing products from the distance between the eyelids, it will be possible to avoid unnecessary dirty works, and carefully selected height and width will allow the device to harmoniously fit into a particular interior of the bathroom. For coils, the distance between the eyelbs corresponds to height. For drying dryers - width.
In the production of products, as a rule, use three different material. So, you can find a copper coil, a stainless steel ladder, or from black steel. The device from black steel is the most budget and impractical option. Among the disadvantages, you can select the rapid peeling of the chrome coating, the fast rust pace, not too successful pipe manufacturing technology.
Stainless steel dryer - high-quality and durable device. But this option also has several drawbacks. The main ones are the capricious threaded compounds, the absence of an external coating (instead the pipe is simply polished), high exposure to the wandering currents, as a result - the wear of the material. Unlike a stainless steel heated toweling, the copper product is considered an eternal, but the cost of it corresponds to such a status.
The last and most important selection criterion is the power system. If you are not observed in your home in your home - you can safely acquire a water dryer. If all the same problems are sometimes noticed, it is better to give preference to electrical. Otherwise, your bathroom often will be raw and cold. Water models are mounted to the water supply system, electrically connected to the outlet. The first option is characterized by a longer period of heating, the second is the opposite. What kind of heated towel rail to choose - only the owner of a particular apartment can solve.
Deciding with the size, shape, type, type and other properties, it would not be superfluous to make sure the product. Before you buy, check for the presence of a warranty coupon, passport, data on the manufacturer, hygienic certificate. If the price of the product is somewhat lower than on other outlets, it is better to pass by. A great risk to get to the fake.
Buy a heated towel rail in the store, not on the market. Pay attention to the appearance and packaging of the goods. Do not allow any scratches, cracks, damage, deformations. Competent selection - the key to the durability of the device.