How to calculate the volume in m3

How to calculate the volume in m3

Most often with the task of calculating the volume we face our own apartment or in the office. For example, when choosing an air conditioner or ventilation system, you need to know exactly the volume.

How to calculate the volume of the room in m3

  • If the room is rectangular, without niches and protrusions, then everything is simple: we measure the length, width and height of the room and navigate all three numbers. To obtain a volume in cubic meters, you need to measure in meters.
  • For standard household tasks, it is sufficiently accuracy to a centimeter. The result obtained can be rounded up to two decimal places. For example: the room has a length of 5.20 m, a width of 3.43 m and a height of 2.40. Multiply 5.2 x 3,43 x 2,4 \u003d 42,8064. The number is safe can be rounded up to two decimal places. We obtain the volume of the room 42.81 cubic meters.
  • Ever easier if you already know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Then it is enough to measure only its height and multiply it on the digit known to you. In a similar way, it is possible to calculate the volume of any rectangular parallelepiped, even a matchbox, even though the refrigerator.

How to calculate the volume in m3, if it is not a parallelepiped?

  • If there is a niche, protrusions or it itself is complex, then the task is complicated. You need to split the space into several parallelepipeds, calculate the volume of each, and then fold.

By the way: if you know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, then there will be no complication. Because when calculating the area, everything is already taken into account. So just multiply it to the ceiling height.

  • In general, measure the approximate volume of any item, even the most nontrivial form, it is possible by dividing to simple rectangular shapes. We measure each separately, we consider the volume for parts and fold the results. It is clear that this result will be not very accurate. And, the more difficult the subject, the greater the error.

And if I want to know the exact volume in M3?

There is a way to find out the volume of any item with high accuracy. But it is suitable for you only if this thing is not afraid of water and you have a bath of suitable size. The fact is that according to the Act of Archimedes, the body, fully immersed in water, will displace the amount of water equal to its volume. That is, it is enough to score a full bath of water, immerse the subject to it, collect all the water, which will turn out of the edges and measure its volume in any available way. For example, using a measuring mug.

Measuring volume with high accuracy is a rather non-trivial engineering task. But high accuracy in ordinary life is rarely needed. And to obtain an approximate result, only a ruler and calculator are needed.


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