How to install drain

How to install drain

In order for the drainage system with a qualitatively performed function assigned to it, the material for its manufacture, as well as the installation technique should be selected at the very beginning - at the design of the construction. It is this approach that will help you reliably protect the foundation of your home from the water flowing from the roof during the rain or melting of snow. Depending on the materials selected, the service life of a properly installed drainage varies from 50 to 80 years, and the system mounted with a violation of technology may fail in just a year. To avoid this, carefully read the instructions below and follow its requirements during installation work.

To carry out the installation of the drain you will need the following tool:

  • self-tapping screw;
  • building level;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • stairs.

  First necessary calculate volume materials, necessary for conduct this work. For definitions quantity gutters consider general length all skatov. Knowing this indicator, we'll see , how drain voroneok to you need. How rule, they mounted across everyone 10 meters gutter. Now can calculate number drain pipe, length which should to line distance from nower parts fondament houses before his roofs. Quantity fasteners sosame calculated very simply: brackets install on the distance from 50 before 100 santimeters friend from friend, a each plot. water pipe fixed minimum one khomut.. V anyone case, even if you mistor with calculationsmissing elements always can purchase on the market or v building store.

First of all, it is necessary to define the locations of the brackets that will hold the gutter. As a rule, they are installed at a distance of 50-100 centimeters from each other, under the tilt, the value of which is 5 millimeters per 1 meter. Noting the place of attachment, proceed to their direct installation, to start from the two most extreme holders. When they are securely fixed, pull the rope between them, which will fasten all other brackets. After with them it will be finished, take a gutter collection. Depending on the length you need, it may consist of several components or, on the contrary, be shorter than the stationary. In no case cut the chute onto the parts of the grinder - use the metal with the metal, since there is a lot of heat during cutting, which causes damage to the protective polymer coating.

  Holes for installations voroneok do it on the distance not less 10 santimeters from the edges gutter. Fixed funnel at aid special lepalsy, which bend.

The next step is the immediate installation of the gutter. To do this, alternately place all of its parts on the previously fixed brackets and secure them securely. The connection of the elements of the chute is made using special rubber seals. Funny bar fasten so that its lower part is slightly lowered into the gutter, and place the roofing waterproofing over it. Such an appointment will contribute to the fact that the entire moisture falling or arising under the roof of your construction will also be drained in the drain.

In the exhaust funnel, install a protective grid that will prevent the garbage from entering the waterproof, and in the right places, mount the overflow limiters. After that, on the wall of the house, secure special clamps. During their work on their installation, be sure to use a level or plumb, since only one clamp mounted with a deviation from the vertical will entail the impossibility of installing the drainage pipe. One drainage must be installed at least three clamps - from below, from above and in the middle. Composite parts of the drain pipe (bend) are attached to each other with special rubber cuffs.

Now you know how to install drainage yourself, but remember that even a minor error in the calculations may result in all that everyone needs to redo. Therefore, if you are not sure about your abilities - seek help from specialists who professionally perform all the work qualitatively and quickly.

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