Fire staircase - how to install

Fire staircase - how to install

According to the safety requirements, the fire staircase must be in every home. After all, it is not only a way to save during a fire, but also the shortest route of penetration of rescuers to first-find victims. In order for the fire staircase to qualitatively perform all the functions assigned to it and was a reliable support - in the process of its installation, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

The method of installing a fire staircase in a lot is determined by the material of its manufacture. As a rule, the inner staircases are made of concrete, reinforced concrete or metal, and outdoor - from lightweight metal sections. In addition, it should be remembered that any outer fire staircase, the height of which exceeds 6 meters, must be mounted together with the protective fence.

There are several ways to install a fire staircase. The first option provides access to it through specifically designed windows. In a different way, they are called evacuation. Their sash must be manufactured by special technology and ensure the unobstructed passage of an adult. It is under these windows that adapted bridges or the fire staircase platforms are installed.

The second option provides for the installation of several stairs, independent of each other and performing completely different functions. The first staircase is mounted on the facade of the building, and the second is the roof of the roof in the crate. This option is great for buildings equipped with a Cold attic, on which the attic windows do it meaningless. Installation of the stairs on the roof of the roof is recommended to be performed simultaneously with the stacking of roofing.


During the installation of the fire stairs, it should also be paid to the fact that its width should be at least 80 centimeters and no more than 240 centimeters, and the gap between marches is 5 centimeters and more. If the staircase is installed on the building, the innermost overlap of which is erected from the non-aggravated material, the installation of open-type structures is allowed to the level of the second floor. After the installation of the installation work, all elements of the erected rescue design should be covered with refractory paint.

After the staircase is installed, it is mandatory subjected to tests, the results of which displays the possibility of further operation.

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