How to make railings for the stairs

How to make railings for the stairs

Railings are an integral part of the ladder. They are responsible for the reliability and safety of moving between floors, but can also play the role of a business card room. In this article we will discuss the procedure for creating a stair railing.

choose material

In choosing the material necessary to consider interior design, financial opportunities and security. In some cases, it requires high durability and reliability railing. Consider the options of materials:

  • Tree. Wooden railings are the most affordable, as well as durable and easy to install. They also have good wear resistance and are natural, which is very important for many people.
  • Metal. If you want exquisite patterns, you can choose the metal. Affordable for this construction are made of aluminum. They are easy to install and weigh little. If you want to ornate and delicate patterns, prefer forged products. However, they are quite expensive.
  • Plastic. The use of plastic railing is becoming more popular. The main advantage is the ease and destructive factors of chemical stability. So far, the plastic products have a limited range and mass-produced in the factory.

What it consists of railings

Some people call railings handrails or railing that is not quite right. In order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding, you must clearly understand the difference between different parts of the railing. A brief look at them:

  • The supports (pedestals). These elements should have good strength, because it is they will be heavily loaded. Pedestals set at the beginning and end of the stairs. According GOSTs poles height should vary in the range of 80-90 cm.
  • Handrails. They are top of the railing, for which people hold during ascent or descent of stairs. It is recommended to make them rounded, so as not to stumble when climbing.
  • Balasins. Represent a support for handrails. They are mounted along the entire staircase. It is these elements that are the main component of its design - there are various tubes, plates, curly columns, etc.


We calculate

Create a draft rail. Decide which side will go railing (or from two). If your staircase is located along the wall, it is appropriate to install the railing only on one side. Then determine the number of turns and necessary parts. Calculate the required amount of material and add another 10% to the calculated calculations. This may be needed in case of marriage. If you are difficult to independently make calculations, invite a specialist.

Installation railing

We describe the step-by-step process of creating wooden railing. You can cut the items yourself, but without the experience of carpentry work and the necessary toolkit, it is preferable to purchase ready-made elements. The installation process of the rail is as follows:

  1. All items are recommended to connect with glue, spills or screws. The design connected on one nails will be a rod.
  2. Take the cabinets and place them below and at the top of the railing. Check if the resulting height is suitable. To do this, pull the thread between the couches and go through the stairs, keeping it.
  3. If you ordered ready-made items, they must have special spikes for the connection. If not, you have to make them yourself.
  4. Using a drill, make on the steps of the hole for the required number of balasine. Cycling studs, screw the products into the holes of the steps and check the back of the design. In places where the staircase turns, it is necessary to insert a special transitional element submitted at a certain angle.
  5. After that, we proceed to the mount of the handrail. Make them holes for Balyasin (if not) and attach them to them.
  6. Clean the railing from dirt and dust, then shuffle. Experts recommend not to paint wood, but to cover it with varnish. Thus, it will retain its natural beauty and will be able to protect against moisture and various damage.

On this installation of the railings is completed. Check, all items are firmly secured. Nothing should hang out or stagger. Acting the algorithm to the above described above, you can correctly install all the details and long enjoy the work done.

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