How to make a stepladder

How to make a stepladder

Basic requirements for the design-ladders - reliability and safety. Cheap household equipment rarely quality, and the acquisition of good-quality model significantly affect the budget. More profitable to pick up the necessary details and make a ladder with your hands.

For the construction of stairs, designed for a long operation, you will need pieces of metal profile section approximately 20x40 mm:

  • Length 195 cm - 4 pcs .;
  • Length of 45 cm - 12 pcs. (Cross can be made from blanks of smaller cross sections).

More will be required:

  • Two small iron plate 3.5 mm thick;
  • Polumetrovymi steel diameter 12-16 mm stud with nuts;
  • Two metal trim for the upper connectors (20-30 cm).

The profile of rectangular cross-section will be the best option. Using pipes and corners is possible, but will result in the weighting structure or a reduction in stiffness.


Required tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • Drill, drill, metal;
  • Welding apparatusElectrodes "three";
  • Hammer;
  • Files - round and flat;
  • Brush barboska manual or in the form of attachment to the power tool;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Roulette, square;
  • Keys.

Ready-made ladder need to clean rust converter and cover enamel.


Steel billets are cut lengthwise, cleaned of rust large brush. Placed on a flat surface next two string stairs. It is marked the location of the steps, which are then welded at right angles.


It is made the upper part intended for the connection halves ladder. Edges withs welded steel profile pieces are fixed at an angle of 120 °. These elements should be located as closely as possible - otherwise the ladder get crooked.


Drilled holes for the rod, a round file removed burrs. Prepared the ears of the iron plates are tried locally.


Similarly, the second mobile half of the staircase is assembled, with the exception of the top - the ears are fixed instead of the profile parts by means of welding.


Both parts are connected using the heel, the nuts are tightened. The latter is designed to chisel or fixed with locknuts. Getting finished:

  1. Okalo from welded seams is knocked down by a hammer and is removed by the barboska;
  2. A rusty flare is removed from the surfaces;
  3. The places of compounds are grouped;
  4. The rust converter is processed;
  5. After drying, the product is ground and stained.


The result done in a few hours of operation is a reliable ladder-stepping. Another solution to the problem may be the option of a wooden structure: less durable, but more accessible to self-repeat.

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