Our instruction will help you make a solid dotted staircase in a few hours of the day off.
Suitable materials
For the stairs choose dry pine bars without cracks and large bitch. The cross section of the tutor depends on their length:
- For a two-meter staircase, the bars 50x50 mm are suitable;
- For 4 m - 80x50 mm;
- For 6 m - 100x50 mm.
Billets on the crossbar choose easier: use edged plates with a cross section of 100x25 mm or a bar of about 50x35 mm. If there is a circular saw in the farm, the necessary details can be slice Of the thicker timber. The bonding of the elements is carried out by anodized self-tapping screws. Nails are also suitable, but it is impossible to use kaneylene black screws - they often break from the load that occurs when the wooden parts are displaced.
Required tools
Minimum, which will be required in the work:
- Hammer;
- Hacksaw;
- Screwdriver;
- Axe;
- Corolnic;
- Roulette;
- Brush.
Accelerate the process and make the ladder aesthetic will help power tools:
- Drill;
- Sanding machine;
- Electrolake;
- Screwdriver;
- Lobzik.
Production of the ladder theater
Wooden bars are sliced \u200b\u200bin size, determined based on the height of the structure, for lifting to which the staircase is intended, and adding 30-50 cm required for installation at an angle. The blanks are sharp and mark the location of the steps after 30-40 cm. At a distance equal to the width of the crossbar, they put the second tags and extend the lines on the side face. On the lower strokes, the knife is made by a depth of 15-20 mm. The ax is rocking wood, putting the tool on the top mark and hitting the hammer on the okuhu. After performing all the squeaks, surface surfaces and immediately stain in the inner parts.
Preparation of steps
The bars selected for the crossbar are scolded on the width of the stairs (50-60 cm). To the top line of steps when installing the staircase, it is horizontal, on the elements of the plane remove the chamfer. The ends of the blanks are treated with grinders and place points of placement of holes for screws. Featuring the drill of the same diameter, like self-tapping screws, drill through holes, and the drill of a larger caliber makes a cencle under the helns.
Assembly of the inlet stairs
By placing the testers on a flat surface, installed and level two extreme crossbars. Having measured the diameter of the self-press, pick up the drill on 1-2 mm of thorough. Long nails are applied labels through the holes in the steps, remove the crossbars and drill the recesses on 2/3 of the thickness of the thest. Return parts into place and twist screws. They laid out the remaining steps and fix them in the same sequence.
Finishing stage
The reference parts of the homemade staircase are recommended to be trimmed at an angle for greater stability and close them with rubber or metal tips. The wooden design is covered with alkyd paint, which appeared after drying, the lumens are closed by a second layer. Enamel fully solidifies two days later, and the palter staircase will be ready for use.
The considered manufacturing process will not cause special difficulties, and the result will be necessary in any farm inventory.