How to install Balyasins

How to install Balyasins

A well-made staircase can serve not only in the way of lifting on the second floor of your home, but also a full-fledged decoration. Carved wooden, forged or metal bales, supporting the railing, are able to make a special highlight in the interior of any room. So that they raise the eyes for a long time and perform their functions qualitatively, the racks need to be consolidated.

A variety of materials manufacturing, colors and forms of Balyasin can please even the most picky buyer. Today they are made of wood, plastic, metal, and even concrete. The most popular for installation in residential buildings are supports made of wood or metal. Their installation does not require special skills and complex tools, and the entire set of installation work can be done independently. In the process, we should not forget about the requirements for the height and frequency of the installation of the baluster contained in the construction norms - the distance between the columns should not exceed 15 centimeters, and their height should be 90 centimeters and more. Following these restrictions will be able to prevent the fall of the child both through the railing and between the balusters themselves.

The most common method of fastening Balyasin is the use of studs. For a start in both ends, the supports drone holes with a diameter of 8-10 millimeters and a depth of 8-10 centimeters. Then cut her ends at the angle of the apparatus - it is necessary so that both products can be tightly connected. Hairpins Lubricate glue and insert into the drilled holes, and this should be done so that their ends look out at least 5-7 centimeters. Then the same holes drill in the tutor and upper handrails, then insert the balasine with studs into the holes, connecting the structure between themselves. Similarly, the fastening of columns using a wooden spike (driver), the only difference is that the holes in the tutor should be slightly larger than the spike itself.

If the staircase is based on the staircases with cuttings under the steps, then for the installation of balusin you can use screws. This attachment method is perhaps the fastest and simple. Screw to the step screws up in such a way that part of it is sticking out outside. After that, take the baluster, mark the center in her end and set this place to the sticking screw. Gently rotate the column until it is completely screwed into the self-tapping screw.

The process of fastening metal balasine is very simple and consists in step by step of certain actions. First, determine the number of supports installed on one stage. After that, with the help of self-tapping screws or bolts, screw the balancing flange to the stage. To the upper side of the rack, attach a submeritator that serves as the basis for mounting the railing.

Despite the seeming simplicity, to the issue of fastening the Balyasin, it should be approached very carefully and scrupulously. After all, it is from this that the reliability of the entire staircase and the safety of your family depends.

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