How to set video surveillance

How to set video surveillance

Thanks to constant technical innovations and improvements, modern video surveillance systems are able to provide a sufficiently serious level of protection. Free sales have both the most complex security systems and simpler devices that do not require special skills to install and maintain them. Therefore, it is quite possible to establish a video surveillance at a small home, cottages, an apartment with your own hands.

First of all, you need to consider the entire system installation scheme. Determine whether the wires will be used or the installation of wireless surveillance cameras is planned. Not only the cost and scope of work depends on this, but also the location of the chambers and the power supply. In the case of a video system based on the supply of signal and electricity through wires, you will need to select a place for laying the route for a cable going to the house, and then mount and hide the indoor cable.

Another important point is the number of planned points from which the review will be carried out. As a rule, in small areas of the chamber are installed on the gate and in front of the entrance door. Based on this, you will know how many camcorders you will need. Now think about their dimensions - besides the usual view of the cameras, openly observe the buildings that occur from walls, there are hidden cameras having a matchbox or a small marker.

In addition to the above, you will also need a recording device that will fix events, monitor for observation, hub for combining cameras into a single network. When working with surveillance cameras equipped with a digital signal processing device, video recording can be made to the hard disk of the computer connected to the network. An ordinary monitor is suitable only if the number of camcorders, which means that the images transmitted by cameras will be small. Otherwise, it is worth purchasing a multiplexer - a device that can transmit pictures with 9 and more cameras at the same time. If you wish, you can connect the video to the Internet, which makes it possible to remote access to the data. Then in the list of necessary costs, include the purchase of the router.

The sequence of installation of the video surveillance system is as follows: Secure the cameras in the locations you specify, connect the power cord to each chamber and the power cable.

Final stage - installation of software. As a rule, all the necessary programs you get complete to surveillance cameras. By performing simple installation instructions, you can proceed to setting up different camera settings. If you have several of them, these actions need to be repeated for each device. After each camera receives its own address on the network, you can switch to setting up all the pictures obtained on the screen.

If you decide to install a video surveillance on your own, still enlist your friend, as with some tasks, for example, cable gasket or adjusting the camera rotation for a better review, it is difficult to cope alone.

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