How to choose a countertop into the kitchen

How to choose a countertop into the kitchen

For any hostess, it is important that in the kitchen there was a durable, functional, and most importantly suitable for the general view of the interior countertop. Proposals from producers a lot, product diverse. It is different by type of material used for the manufacture, in color and drawing, price and quality. That is the question of how to choose a suitable worktop. Selecting the goods only by appearance - incorrectly, it is necessary to take into account other nuances.

Basically, inexpensive countertops are made from chipboard, MDF, puff plywood. From above decorated with an exterior finish. When choosing, consider the thickness of the plate. What it is more, the stronger will be the top of the table. This is an indispensable condition. By the way, if you embed a cooking surface in the worktop, then the thickness cannot be less than four or five centimeters.

Differences between chipboard and MDF insignificant, but there is one "but". The chipboard contains in its composition resin, during the evaporation of which harmful substances are distinguished. Therefore, countertops from this material is cheaper. For cladding, artificial and natural materials are used.

Table tops from laminate laminate (plastic) are especially popular. It would be more, they would have an affordable cost, they are easy to install, easy to care, and the choice in the markets of producers is large, which is in color, that in the drawing. However, there are also disadvantages, namely:

  • If you put hot on that surface, then the trace will remain, from which it is already impossible to get rid of.
  • Poorly repaired.
  • Under the influence of sharp objects crumbling, and it is inconvenient that scratches remain with cutting products.

Just more expensive tabletop from laminate deep coloring. They do not see scratches, due to the fact that not only the finish is painted, but the entire material used for the manufacture of this surface of the table.

Did not come out of fashion and wooden surfaces. Those who prefer natural materials often choose them. Masters make such countertops from various species of trees: Clean, beech, white and red oak. Advantages of this type of surfaces are many:

  • Light installation;
  • Simple repair;
  • Excellent appearance that is suitable for any kitchen interior.

The shortcomings are insignificant, the main one is the price. More experts do not recommend installing the surface next to the sink, otherwise the tree will become unusable. Proper departure will extend such a tabletop life and appearance for many years. Just only time to wipe the tree with lean oil.

The disadvantage of the granite surfaces is only the price and complexity of the installation, and otherwise they fit perfectly into the interior and very durable. Unlike granite, marble - fragile material, consider this when choosing. However, it is so nice to cook because of a smooth, cold surface, and he has a stunning look.

If you like artificial Stone Countertops, I know that they are not subject to repair. Yes, and their cost is almost 8 times more than laminated. They differ in high strength, but from scratching with sharp objects should be preserved.


The surfaces made of steel are suitable for the kitchen in the style of High-tech. It is good that the metal is not afraid of moisture, high temperatures and has a good margin of safety. But if you do not take care of the metal table top (cutting products on it), then over time it will be in scratches that spoil the general view.

So, you got acquainted what kind of types of tabletops, learned their advantages and disadvantages, now can easily choose your own coating option.

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