How to install sink in the kitchen

How to install sink in the kitchen

Set the shell in the kitchen is easy. What are your first steps, depends on whether you want to install the sink to a new kitchen furniture body or simply replace the old sink to a new one. In any case, it is necessary to choose to choose it.

Choosing the sink, you will find that there are many styles and finishing options. The main thing is to remember that the most important parameters are the size of the sink and the location of the holes for the taps and their number. This is when you need to install a new shell into an already existing niche with the subordinated communications. If you plan to install the sink into a new furniture, then thoroughly simplify the sizes and carefully cut the desired hole in the worktop. To do this, use the electrolovka and drill.

Filters and mixer are better installed on the sink before the sink itself will be installed. Then you will only connect the mixer to the pipes, and the sink to the drains.

When installing, make sure that the sink covers the entire surface of the opening, there was no lumen and cracks anywhere. Ideally, over the entire perimeter or radius of the hole hole overlap it for 1-2 cm. To do this, a cardboard patterns are included in many sinks, with which you can do everything. If there are no templates, use the sink itself for marking.

Next, proceed to the installation. At the worktop stick two-sided tape, which is also often included. On the line at the bottom of the sink, apply sealant or silicone to prevent water flow under the cabinet with the sink. Next, carefully and carefully install the sink in the available hole. Then from the bottom of the shell, it is necessary to pull it with the mounting fasteners. We do it consistently: in the corners, and then in the middle, tighten not too much, but reliably.

Connect the mixer to hoses with hot and cold water. Do not confuse. The release of the siphon is fixed into the drain hole of the sink and is screwed to the corrugated pipe or a pipe with a rigid fixed angle. This pipe is inserted into a special sewer outlet.

Check is carried out after all the stages of the work done. If you follow the instructions, there should be no problems with flowing and fixing.

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