How to install a water filter

How to install a water filter

Water quality from the crane in the urban apartment wishes the best. Despite the fact that it is cleaned by the sewer service, drinking it is difficult to call, for this it is not suitable without prior boiling. Yes, and for plumbing it is harmful, since it is out of order of its components, for example, mixers and shock fittings. And on household appliances is formed. To solve this issue, it is necessary to establish a special device that softens water removes impurities from it, mineral compounds and harmful elements, which are contained in unacceptable quantities. Consider a Read more of the process of their installation.

The concept of the reverse osmosis system

Available different filters made in the form of jugs, nozzles that are connected directly to the crane. Inverse osmosis systems deserve special attention, as they guarantee the most perfect cleaning - even marine water is capable of turning into drinking. Pollution and impurities are destroyed by a membrane passing into the crane exclusively water molecule. The system consists of elements such as a cumulative tank, membrane, a crane required for water supply suitable for digging, cartridges and equipment for connecting elements. Design put under the sink. Installation of the system is allowed horizontally or vertically, depending on the availability of free space, which is important to provide unhindered access to its service. If it does not allow the place, then the tank is recommended in the lying position on the side or take out to another place - for example, to place it in the closet. Do not worry, it is not displayed at the filter.

Box in plumbing

The first thing to do is be sure to overlap water. Next is looking for a detail that comes with the filtration system - a special cutting, consisting of a ball valve, which has access to the tube, as well as a tee. The cutting is mounted after the thread winding. This uses a fum-tape. At the next stage from the crane, which is responsible for cold water, its line is disconnected under the sink. After connecting the insertion joins the feed line, not shifting the pipe.

Crane drinking water

After mounting the inserts we will engage in the fastening of the crane feeding drinking water:

  1. Prepare pipe locks and nuts - you can find them complete with a tube.
  2. If there is no hole for a thin crane on the sink, you will have to drill it using a drill. It is necessary to take a drill that has a diamond spraying.
  3. The hole should be from the edge of the sink at a certain distance, which is at least 15 and not more than 30 centimeters.
  4. When working with enamel or porcelain, the drill should be included in the material by 13 millimeters, removing the top layer from the surface.
  5. When you reach the metal, take the 7 mm drill, which you need to do the hole in it. Then similar actions are done using a drill that has a diameter of 13 mm.
  6. After making the hole, insert the crane into it, tightening the nut. To hold it, an adjustable wrench is used.


To remove dirty spewed water, you should attach a clamp on the waste pipe. The support is located higher than the siphon. Any installation is allowed - that is, on any part of the pipe, horizontal or vertical. To begin with, a hole is drilled in the pipe. The work is carried out by a drill that has a diameter of 7 millimeters. The space around is covered with a rubber band with a protective purpose. Holes located on the holomal support and waste pipe must coincide. Both screws are tightened so that the support fell tightly.

Cumulative Buck

After you need to install a storage tank. In the unfilled state, it is characterized by an internal pressure reaching an indicator within 0.54 to 0.95 atmospheres. The thread of the tank must be correctly wrapped - wrap it with teflon tape, make several turns. Then the tap made of plastic is attached to the Baku. In this case, it is impossible to drag, since otherwise it will violate the normal functioning of the system.

Running system

To start the system, use our instructions:

  • Start the filter when the water supply is turned on. At this time, the valve should be closed, located on the tank, as evidenced by the "OFF" position. After opening the crane of clean water, there must be a while, 10 minutes or more, so that the water leaked from the drain crane. Leave it to drain it in order to wash the reverse osmosis - it is on this that the filter installation is completed.
  • Then you should filter first water, as it is impossible to use it. After opening the valve of the tank feed water, the crane must be closed. Put filling tank with water to lower it into the sewer. By washing the tank, the water filtration system is considered to be ready for further use.


The filter in the form of nozzle is connected directly to the crane that is responsible for the supply of water. Included which you purchased should be the sleeves you need to connect the device to smooth crane, which has no thread. If there is a thread on the extension, it is customary to use VP5, VP4, VP3 adapters. However, it is worth considering that not all the nozzles will be included, it is possible that some details you have to buy. When installing the filter nozzle, pay special attention to the control of tightness. Put them in a spread. You can also put a dry rag. Wait 24 hours to evaluate whether the water puddle has not appeared under the system. If there are drops, the compaction seal procedure should be done using fluoroplastic sealing tape.


Built-in household filter

The device is set in accordance with such instructions:

  1. Included, as a rule, the tee is supplied required to connect to the water supply, installation parts, tubals, a ball valve. There is also a crane and a special key.
  2. First, overcoat the water. Pressure is reset by opening the crane.
  3. To the highway supplying cold water, plug the tee. The thread is compacted by Fuma Ribbon.
  4. If included you found Tubei, which have different colors, then red tubing should be connected to a compression fitting.
  5. Screw the water faucet. It is put in a tee that is installed before. Read about it above in paragraph 2.
  6. In the wall for mounting the flask, you need to screw the fasteners, which are 2 screws. After it should be proceeded to pull out the filter plugs. There will be new elements in their place, namely the tubes.
  7. Discharge the crane that controls the water supply to the filter. Then the cold water valve opens.
  8. After the filter, air should be taken, which will allow you to set the necessary filtering speed. As a rule, it constitutes one liter in one minute.
  9. Survey the tube, if there are anywhere leaving, leaving the crane open for half an hour. In the absence of problems, you can start using a filter.

Thus, water filtering is an important procedure, the quality of equipment for its implementation depends on direct health your and your loved ones. Do not save on the hardware and install it correctly!

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