How to install water meter

How to install water meter

Installation of the water meter, in addition coordination in the Management Companywill require a locksmith. Before the independent solution, the task should be familiar with the order and features of the installation of a water meter.

Technical requirements

Avoiding problems with registering a metering device will allow compliance with the following installation rules:

  • The counter model must comply with engineering networks and approach the requirements of the organization serving your home.
  • The device is placed at the entrance of the main pipeline, excluding the possibility of water intake to the meter (usually immediately after the shut-off crane).
  • The location is chosen so that there is free access to maintain and remove indications.
  • A mechanical cleaning filter is installed in front of the counter, and after it is the check valve.

Required devices and tools

Originally assess the condition of water valves and cranes, overlapping the flow of water into the dwelling. If necessary, plan to replace the defective elements. Included with the water meter goes the naughty nuts ("American"), designed to connect the device to the pipes. Also need the following:

  • Coarse filter;
  • Check valve;
  • A piece of metal-plastic pipe;
  • Signs;
  • Fitting;
  • Linen seal or fum-tape.

When installing, use the adjustable keys and the tool for trimming pipes, depending on the material of the pipeline manufacturing. For steel, the grinder is prepared, plastic parts can be cut to the metal with a metal.

Scheme of installation of water meter

The elements conjugate with the water meter are in a specific sequence:

  1. Tap;
  2. Filter;
  3. Counter;
  4. Check valve.

Such a scheme is used with a horizontal eyeliner and on vertical areas with an upper water supply. With a vertical eyeliner with the lower inflow of the water, the check valve is cut to the meter.

Connection of elements

Before mounting, the parts are laid out in the line, paying attention to the arrows applied on the housings of all devices and showing the direction of water flow. Collect "on the dry" knot with a water meter, checking the integrity of the threaded parts and the compensation of the number of turns. The latter will subsequently help not break enough fragile connectors. Now, knowing the length of the collected design, proceed to its insert in the plumbing line.

Installation of water meter

First overlap the shut-off valve and make sure it keeps water. Further work is produced in this order:

  1. Having tried on the place the counter with the supplying fittings, mark and cut the desired piece of the pipe.
  2. Turn the old trim from the crane, following the valve does not move with the rejected item.
  3. With the help of the adapter, the filter is connected, wound For compaction of the thread.
  4. Screw the first "American", consolidate the counter and install the second cape nut, not forgetting about rubber gaskets.
  5. Connect the removal to consumers.

Installation of further wiring is carried out in various ways depending on local conditions. For example, on the steel pipe will need to cut the thread with the layer and connect the line by the camp. The easier option is to apply a small segment of a plastic pipe or, as a temporary solution, put a flexible eyeliner.

After completing the installation work, open the water supply and check the system for leakage. After making sure the fee of the equipment, they call the representatives of the HSKA to seal the counter.

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