How to wind out

How to wind out

Not everyone knows that the pass is also called Plumbing flas, but what it serves as an excellent hermetic connector of any threaded element is familiar to many. In addition, the novice plumber can enter such a simple procedure into a stupor as flax winding onto butt connections. Consider the process of proper winding package so that in the future it did not have to redo any work in which she participated.

It doesn't matter that it should be connected with each other - with plug-in or any other elements of the threaded connection, it is necessary to be sealed to create a tightness. In this case, a classic and cheap winding option will serve as a palable. It will suit absolutely for any kind of butt elements, if, of course, to wind it right. The advantages of this seal can also be attributed to the fact that during the service it swells and increases in volume. This ability helps to close any flow, even if it is formed immediately after the connection.

However, the winding of the packley requires a certain skill, taking into account some points. About this process and will be discussed below. First, pay attention to the type of thread. They meet two main species - net thread (without notes) and thread with jar (notches). In the first case, the tightness will not be achieved even by winding flax, because It will simply crawl and get into the bundle in the process of fastening the elements. Therefore, first prepare the threads - take any kind of tool (hacksaw, extra, pliers, etc.) and make it yourself on an even thread jar. Now flax fibers will be perfectly cling to artificially created notches.

Pacle 9p.

Take the pass and separate from the main braids a small strip of fibers, pre-combing it, eliminating all bundles and distribute lumps. Then straighten the fibers and twist them into a common rope. Thickness strands Choose on the eye, so that it filled out the inside of notes. Important: If there is little flaxed fibers, then the seal will become an unreament.

Pakle 3.

Further actions can develop in two scenarios. The first - before winding, apply a special substance on the thread, and then cut the dry fibers and apply the material from above. The second option is to first impregnate the pan's strands with the concomitant substance, but only then to wind them. In any case, the result will be the same, choose the way that you seem more convenient.


The winding process itself looks like this: the rope from the fibers of Pakli approximately putting it to the thread in such a way that 5 notches are missed from its edge. Then fixing the rope to the fingers, start winding it in the side opposite to the threads. At the same time, the unused segment of the packley is shifted so that its second end is clamped in the "lock". Connect the two end of the rope and continue to wind flax until the end of the thread. Ensure that each new mettball is tightly pressed to the previous one, without creating crowded fibers. Check on each side so that there are no passes. Scroll with fingers threads, evenly distributing the pass on the notes. The end of the strands are glued with a special lubricant closer to the edge, only after that - stop fixing your palp. You can apply silicone on top of fibers to protect against water. Now you can proceed to the assembly of elements.

Pakle Glavn

If the winding of flax was carried out correctly, the desired thickness of the twisted rope, a uniform and thorough distribution of its threads, was taken into account, without skipping - a threaded connection will serve you as long as possible and stable.

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