How to install a crane

How to install a crane

Cranes per day open and close about one hundred times. Therefore, we think about installing how to properly place the device for ease of use and possible repairs.

Preparatory work

Prepare tools for work - keys, passation, screwdrivers of different types. Explore the instructions supplied with the crane, in which the features of the assembly of this sample will be indicated. To install exclusive models, a special tool may be needed, so take care in advance of its acquisition. Collect a manually mixer and make sure that all parts are available, and that they are working. If defective parts are found - replace the product. Disconnect the water supply to the place of work.

Installation of a mixer with flexible hoses

Often thus fasten the mixers for sinks in the kitchen. Collect the device according to the instructions in one node. Remove the fasteners and nuts with the "hussak", put on the sealing gasket. Fasten the hoses to the mixer. Grind hoses through a hole in the sink, set the mixer to the regular place on the sealing gasket. From the bottom to the device, screw the hairpins and secure the device to the shell with nuts.

Secure the hoses to the pipelines: hot - to the left crane, cold - to the right. Recording hoses when tightening fasteners is not allowed. Open the taps with water and check the quality of the work performed. If necessary, eliminate leaks.

Mounting tap with hard connections

This option is usually found in the bathrooms. On the eccentric adapters, wrap the smaller diameter fittings (half thewlm) sealing ribbon and screw them into stationary pipes. Adapters come with cranes.

Turn the eccentric to the wrench to a position in which the larger diameter fittings will be located in the same position (at the top or bottom). Measure the distance between the centers of the inlet nozzles of the mixer and alternate the dimensions between the adapter fittings. Equality of dimensions is ensured by turning the eccentrics. Measurements produce a P-shaped wire, the edges of which are adjusted and place between the centers of the mixer nozzles.

Set the crane flanges with a decorative bar, then two pairs of pads - first soft rubber, top hard, for example, paronit. Rigid gaskets protect rubber from damage when retarding. Additional seals are not required. Secure the mixer, turning out the naughty nuts on adapter fittings. First fasten tighten from your hand, then tighten the key with a little effort.

Useful recommendations

General instructions when working with cranes:

  1. Spanners, pliers and other tools when tightening fasteners can spoil the appearance of the detail. Therefore, under the tool sponges, install the rubber gasket or wrap the work area of \u200b\u200bthe tool with a tape.
  2. Before tightening fasteners, smear the thread with lubricant. Cape nuts Tighten "by hand" until it stops, then use the key. Do not tighten fasteners with great effort, you can damage the pipe, nut or gaskets.
  3. If paronit strips are used to seal the joints, put them in 20 minutes into the water. During this time they will be splashing and do not crack when tightening fasteners. Disposable gaskets, Install only new ones.
  4. To seal the joints on the pipe threads, wrap the FUM ribbon or the pass. Winding screw down on the thread clockwise at least 14 turns. If water appeared during tests on the joints, carefully tighten the nut with the key.
  5. Do not apply in the thread paint to compact the connection, it makes the butt alone.

Of the two methods of connecting the crane to the pipe (rigid or flexible), hard is considered to be more reliable. The flexible compound is chosen if there is a large distance from the mixer to a pipe, as well as to simplify installation.

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