How to install sectional doors

How to install sectional doors

Installation of sectional gates - it's not about lungs, especially if you have not previously encountered a similar process. Before starting the installation, preparatory work should be carried out, which are aimed at strengthening the carrier frame and door opera.

We proceed to the preparation of the room to the subsequent technically complex and time-consuming process. Barettes and the door of the door opera Must be in the same plane, and the vertical and horizontal lines should be checked and adjustable. Do not be lazy several times check the depth of the garage for compliance with the dimensions of your car.

V The basis of the ceiling and the pendants should be used high-quality materials resistant to dampness and temperature drops, as well as designed for high load, since the main weight of the gate is assigned to them. Barettes Also participate in the process, however, are not subject to such a high load, so you should take care of their proper condition.

Standard Size Podlok 25 50 cm, otherwise rise will be overestimated or understated. Perform a widespread plaster for insulation, bonding and waterproofing. Immediately before installing the gate, check the surface ondifficult defects. Outdoor overlap should not contain irregularities and gaps.

Prepare panels to the installation. Do not forget that the price of the gate is high enough and any emboss will turn material damage. Contact the design carefully and preferably take the subband.

Apply markup for the subsequent installation of the guide reinforcement. Collect the canvas moving from the bottom panel. Avoid skewing, each time I conduct control measurements by the level of sufficient length. You should not use various stands for alignment and bleed foam irregularities. Subsequently, such manipulations will negatively affect the stability and operation of the system.

If There is a need to use metal gaskets that can be purchased any sizes and thicknesses. At the next stage, fasten lifting Mechanism and control system. Yet Once reconciliation of data and monitor the proper functionality of the system as a whole. If there will be several assistants in your location, the installation will take no more than a few hours.

Consider all the manufacturer's regulations that are certainly listed in the instructions for acquired system. If small errors will be allowed during the installation, then in subsequent use they will turn into large problems of the functionality of the sectional gate.

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