How to install a mirror

How to install a mirror

The mirror is a thing without which it became impossible to do in everyday life. Every day we use it for your needs. Of course, the mirror belongs to the most significant and necessary interior attributes. But, since this is a fairly fragile material, the appeal to it during installation should be due.

The first step is the selection of the mirror. It is best to choose mirrors with rounded edges. First, mirrors with round edges will not damage you during installation. Secondly, they will be safe with further use.

There are a number of variations of mirrors. Fastening the mirror canvas with the help of "liquid nails" (special glue for mirrors) or, the so-called mirror tape, refers to one of them.

The next step will be the preparation of the surface for the future mirror. Severy all irregularities, remove the wallpaper and paint. If there are cracks and unnecessary holes, use the putty. After you treat the wall of deeply impregnating primer. With such a surface glue will be better clutch. Consider if the mirror size is large, then the smoothness of the wall must be, respectively, above.

Let's proceed directly to the installation. Taking advantage of the level, mark the wall. In case you have a big and heavy mirror, it is necessary to prepare a suborate, so that the canvas crashed during the drying period of the glue. After the wall markup can begin to glue a wide bilateral scotch. Cut small strips of 10-15 centimeters and flaps in 60-70 centimeters from each other. Scotch is used in order not to give the mirror to fall during the grasp of glue. "Liquid nails" should be applied throughout the back of the mirror and edges. After that, you need to immediately post the mirror to the wall and put on glue.

It happens that the mirrors are glued to ceramic tiles. Mirror mounting technologies on the wall and ceramic tiles are not particularly different. But in this case, after hardening glue, the sealant is applied to the edges.

In general, there is nothing wrong with the mirror in self-installing. Consistently and efficiently follow all the prescriptions and then will be satisfied with your work, without spending money to call a specialist.

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