How to install a concrete fence

How to install a concrete fence

After acquiring a land plot, many owners appear the question of which material is better to use to build a fence. And there is nothing strange in this, because today the building materials market offers many all sorts of solutions, ranging from wood and ending with artificial stone. A special place in this list is occupied by decorative reinforced concrete floors, characterized by high strength, ease of mothing and durability.

To work, you will need:

  • shovel or earthen bur for dripping pit under the support poles;
  • roulette and level;
  • robust rope;
  • crushed stone or stone to enhance the solution;
  • levelier will be useful if you set the support poles on the slopes.

Like any other construction work, the construction of the fence should begin with design work - this will help you accurately calculate the number of support pillars and reinforced concrete sections, as well as determine their physical dimensions. When your project will be ready, draw the markup of the site. To do this, pull the solid rope around the perimeter of your possession so that it accurately projects the outline of the future fence. In places of installation of columns, gates and wickets hammer. Special attention is paid to the smoke evenness. If your site is located on the slope, covered with pits or hills - align it. If it is impossible to do this, run work to align the soil between adjacent pillars or use supports of different lengths. If you neglect by this rule - you will not be able to install reinforced concrete slabs, which will lead to a break of the fence section.

Since the weight of the standard reinforced concrete plate is 70 kilograms, it is better to attract two helpers for installing the fence. After the wells are dug, go to the installation of support pillars. Remember that this is the most responsible type of work on which the final result depends. Mount the supports and lay reinforced concrete sections can be in several ways:

  1. Connect the adjacent poles with wooden plates inserted into the installation grooves. Then align the supports with the help level and concrete their base. The bottom of the pit will be preloaded with a stone or crushed stone. After 24 hours, remove the rails and insert the reinforced concrete plates into their place. The use of this method of construction work will allow the solution to frost well and will prevent the shrinkage of the supports during the installation of overlaps.
  2. Insert the pillar into the prepared hole, align and fill with rubble. Immediately pour it with cement mortar. After it freezes, insert section plates. The next support is supported in such a way that the fence sections are accurately entered into her groove, after which we conclude it.
  3. The last method of mounting supports connects the two above. When the first pillar is aligned and flooded with concrete, insert the bottom section of the fence and pon the next pillar to it. The tops of the supports are connected by a wooden rail. After pouring the solution, install the rest of the overlap section.

If you use team columns - the process of their installation will be somewhat different from those described above. First prepare the basis. To do this, you will need reinforcement bar with a diameter of 1-1.2 centimeter or metal pipe. Place them in the center of the dug hole and pour the solution so that they rise above the surface of the Earth to the height of the future fence. On the protruding part, bring composite parts of the support, within which there is a cavity provided for this. The top of the pillar close the decorative element, which is complete with a support. Then insert the fence sections in the pump groove.

Despite the fact that this type of fence does not require additional processing to protect against exposure to external factors, you can cover the overlap of the facade paint or soil. This will not only increase the external attractiveness of the fence, but also give it a complete appearance.

As can be seen, the independent installation of the fence from concrete blocks does not require special skills and great labor, but if you do not want to do it yourself - you can always resort to the help of third-party companies, which for a reasonable fee do the whole complex of work qualitatively and quickly.

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