How to install a water pump

How to install a water pump

The deep well on the land plot is good and convenient, but water pumps are often installed to improve the comfort of living. Conducting such works requires a lot of attention and time, therefore, the most often water pumps are installed by experts. But if you try to try well, everyone can do this work.

The choice and purchase of the necessary pump is only the longest difficulty in the complex of work on water supply at home. The main difficulties are waiting for you while installing the pump. Wide distribution received vacuum pumps connected to intricate tanks. All facilities that consume water are connected to such a station: dishwashers and washing machines, bathtubs, toilet and shower cabins.

To carry out a set of work on connecting the station in advance, buy pipes, a rosette with protection against moisture and wires with the desired section. Mounting the system make the water source as close as possible. The pump must be installed in a dry heated room. Negative temperatures will result in the freezing of water in the unit and its breakdown. Moisture in the chip and control of the control unit or the outlet will result in a short circuit, which can also entail the vehicle breakdown or, much worse, the fire.

Deciding with the placement of the pump, select a solid smooth surface for its immediate installation. Since during operation, the mechanism strongly vibrates - secure it securely. To fix it to a wooden surface, use long screws or screws if the installation is carried out on the concrete surface - anchor bolts.

For water supply to the pump, use metal plastic pipes. The use of reliable components will allow you to use the device for a long time without leakage troubleshooting. On the water supply pipe, set the valve to which the pumping pipe pipes are connected. To avoid education in the system of air traffic jams, laying pipes from the water source to the station at an angle. The rise of the angle should be directed towards the station. The optimal angle is 12-18 degrees.

Using the previously acquired wire, connect the complex to the outlet. The socket must be isolated from the rest of the electrical network, is equipped with a safety fuse and a safety machine that can be shutdown in case of short circuit.

If your set does not have a protective system from "dry" stroke - buy it. Installing such a system is carried out in front of the station and protects the mechanism from breakage in the absence of fluid in the pipes. In most modern systems, this feature is in effect initially, and no additional work is required for its installation.

Set the feed pressure in the system, according to the instructions in the instructions, and run a trial launch. In case of faults, make a complete system inspection, eliminate the shortcomings and repeat the start. If you cannot detect the problem - refer to the specialists.

Compliance with this instruction will allow you to quickly and efficiently carry out work on the installation of a water pump, which for a long time will provide clean water your home.

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