How to insulate outside wooden house

How to insulate outside wooden house

Increasingly, people choose the construction of houses from environmentally friendly materials, namely tree. The time to build a wooden house is the smallest amount, as well as its construction is a budget option. To keep the house from the tree heat, it should be insulated outside.

How to insulate outside a wooden house - a selection of insulation

The most popular thermal insulation materials that are used to date are considered:

  • Mineral wool. This material is also called stoneware, because it consists of compressed particles of basalt, artificial stone and slag. The advantage of mineral wool is that it does not burn, has a light weight, and also serves a long time. One of its main minuses is that it absorbs moisture, thereby promoting the reproduction of fungus, mold. For this reason, during the insulation of a wooden house, you need to additionally insulate steam barrier and waterproofing material. Warming up the wooden house with mineral wool plates, should be carried out in the means of protection, namely respirators and gloves.
  • Styrofoam. This thermal insulation material is considered the most budget. He has special advantages - it does not absorb moisture and is not suspended with fungus, easy to install, has sound insulation properties, resistant to temperature drops, and also durable to use. The main disadvantage of this material is low fire resistance, as well as what it is made of artificial material.
  • Polyurethan. This material in its technical specifications is similar to foam. The advantages of this material: strength, durability, waterproofability, resistance to temperature drops, and also has high fire resistance and high indicators of thermal insulation properties. Disadvantages of this material: high pricing policy requires additional costs of protection against ultraviolet rays, does not tolerate direct effects of liquids from a range of solvents.

How to insulate outside wooden house mineral wool

  • Before proceeding to the insulation of a wooden house, pre-process the walls with an antiseptic agent.
  • At the wall, attach a 5 cm crate less than mineral wool sizes.
  • In order to avoid the penetration of moisture to the mineral wad, to maintain a layer of vaporizolation, then layer of insulation and the final stage - a layer of waterproofing.
  • Montage of mineral wool, make an previous sheet with a previous sheet, in no case do not allow the slots between the insulation sheets, when they are formed, use the mounting foam.
  • Heater sheets are attached to the wall using mushroom nails with a wide hat.
  • Create a ventilated space for facing material. Screw the counter crate to the main crate.

How to insulate outside wooden house foam

  • To position the plates of foam balance, install vertical plumbers.
  • Foam plates attach to the wall with glue, which in the edges and in five points in the middle, then fix the dowels.
  • The formed slits fill in the mounting foam.
  • After installing foam plastic, treat the surface of the insulation. First, secure the reinforced grid. Then, shuffle the walls with the insulation. It is necessary to protect the foam, as it is due to the effect of sun rays.
  • Cut the shockting process in several layers.

How to insulate outside wooden house polyurethane

  • This type of insulation, when applied, under the influence of air, foams.
  • Before starting the insulation of a wooden house, clean it from dust and dirt outside.
  • Install a wooden crate.
  • Then, fill the emptiness polyurethane foam.
  • The resulting discovering surplus cut.

For the insulation of a wooden house outside, various thermal insulation materials can be used. When choosing a heater, rejoice at its properties, weigh all the advantages and disadvantages.

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