How to make noise insulation wall

How to make noise insulation wall

Residents of panel houses and those "lucky" who are forced to listen to scandals, music, child crying and even the details of the intimate life of neighbors, dream of noise insulation. Thanks to modern technologies, organize silence in its apartment is an affordable reality. There are quite budget materials, and the technology itself is not so difficult, a good home master will cope with it.

We remove the old wallpaper and carefully study the wall on such items:

  • Cracks and cracks. Unnoticed for finishing materials, these holes may freely spend sounds. Slipchable problem areas.
  • Through sockets. They should be transferred to a certain distance, and the notches in which glasses were located, fill the sound-absorbing material.
  • Free space in pipe entry places, if you live in a house with centralized heating. We proceed with empty areas with elastic sealant.

Now it's time to decide on noise insulating material. The cheapest and on the most common - mineral wool. It is non-toxic and heat resistant, which is necessary for the way in a residential room. The disadvantage of Minvati is the area that "steals" such a method of isolation - several centimeters will immediately fall on each wall, which will be especially noticeable in a small room. In addition to the wool, you can use special noise insulating panels, cork coating or a technological novelty - noise absorbing membranes. In the case of the latter, there is a huge advantage - maximum insulation with a small thickness of the material - only 3.5 cm. The obvious minus membranes is a high cost, which does not contribute to its popularization among the wide masses of the population.

We proceed to the actual installation of noise insulation. Metal profile for drywall Brepim at a distance of 60 cm from each other. Under the framework we put rubber gaskets that get rid of us from vibration noise. If you wish, such gaskets are really done independently, but you can purchase a factory option called Vibrastek-M. To directly directly contact the source of noise and did not transfer sound waves, they should be fixed not to the wall, but to the floor and ceiling. At the same time, there should be a gap of about 5 mm between the wall and the profile and subsequently fill it with silicone sealant.

If we use mineral wool or similar material as insulation, put it between the guides as close as possible. Any voids at this stage will drive all the work. Therefore, you buy cotton with a reserve and do not regret it when installing it.

To get rid of the possible belling, the space inside the profile is filled with mounting foam. This, by the way, will harden the whole design.

The final chord remains - plasterboard sheat. If you wish to use a noise-insulating membrane, it is necessary to put it before installation. The maximum isolation effect is achieved when sheeling with two layers of drywall with displacement of the seams and the overlap of the furnace on both stages.

That's ready perfectly smooth sound absorbing wall. Next is to be external trim drywall under painting or glowing wallpaper. With the right to comply with the technology, your house will noticeably transform, which, in turn, will have a positive effect on the quality of life.

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