How to glue tiles

How to glue tiles

Tile is the most common Material used for cladding walls and floor. Therefore, most people who want to perform the layout of the tile are wondering how to do it correctly. After reading our article, you will not have any questions and you can easily Perform this work. The process of pasting tiles is not nothing too Complex. You only need to get the desired knowledge, the right tool and allocate time for this.

How to glue tiles - Tools and materials

  • Tiled glue. Note that glue for the tile should be moisture-resistant.
  • Primer. It is necessary to reduce the absorbents of the base and increase its adhesive properties.
  • Fug for grouting seams.
  • Waterproofing.
  • Manual caferelian.
  • Electric drill. Need to drill holes for communication.
  • Metal spatula.
  • Tassel or roller for applying soil.
  • Recess hydraulic and rule. Without them, it is impossible to perform quality painting Tiles.
  • Capacity for glue.
  • Rubber hammer.
  • Plastic crosses.
  • Pencil.

How to glue tiles - Preparatory work

The selection of the tile does not have any influence on the process of its oklayika. You must pre-perform measurements and determine the amount of material that will be needed for walls and floor in your room.

After that, determine how sex and walls, suppose in the bathroomready for facing. It is strictly not recommended to glue a tile on an uneven surface, otherwise you are not rather due results. To check the flatness of the floor, get the level, and the walls - plumb. The allowable wall plumbing may be no more than 2 millimeter per 1 meter of height. For large values \u200b\u200bof irregularities, they will have to eliminate them.

How to glue tile - technology styling

Please note before carrying out work. Examine the instructions for using glue. Observe all manufacturer's recommendations. Some mixtures can be toxic and possible with them can only be operated in rubber gloves. After you prepare the surface, necessary Treat walls with a special elastic emulsion. It is necessary to improve the tile clutch with the base of the wall.

  • It is necessary to start to take the wall with ceramic tiles below. Try to make sure that the horizontal it is Complied. This can be done by rail, which You need to set in accordance with the level.
  • There are masters who recommend gluing the tile immediately from the second row, and the first to stick at the very end. Note that you need to leave a place Not only under the tile, but also for 2-seams.
  • Always begin to shit the wall with a whole tile.
  • Apply special glue on the tile / wall and tile / wall (choose any option). For each case, it is necessary to remember that the glue layer should not be thicker than 4-5 mm.
  • Cropped tiles stick on the sides, but nothing terrible will happen if you glue it in the middle of the row.
  • Press the tile to the wall slightly. Using the level, adjust its position. Ceramic tile glue is grabbed in 10-15 minutes.
  • To observe the same distance between the tiles, it is necessary to use special plastic crossbars. They can be bought in each construction store.
  • The glue remaining on the tile, it is necessary to delete right away until it frozen. Use for this a sponge moistened in water.
  • 2 days after styling tiles, you can proceed to fill intercinery seams.

Each seam must be accurately missed, while on the tile can not be left extra material. This Work is easiest performed using a rubber spatula. Some craftsmen adapt to uniform filling the seam device similar to a gun for extrusion. All excess lubrication remains are easily removed wet sponge. It must be done without too much fanaticism, otherwise you can wash the lubricant from the seams.

So we told how to glue a tile. The point is left for small. For decoration Walls are often used special stickers on the tile. In the bathroom it is sea landscapes with fish or dolphins. They are perfectly combined with the interior.

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