How to choose a grout for the bathroom

How to choose a grout for the bathroom

If the tile is laid flawlessly, this does not mean that the surface will look perfect, because it is necessary to still work with tile seams. It is impossible to leave emptiness formed between the joints, and in primeval form. They are taken to fill in special material. It is called grout for tiles or fuga. How to choose it right?

First of all, it should be found out why it is needed. Thanks to the grout, garbage, dust, as well as water that provokes the development of fungus will not fall under the tile. Therefore, the durability of the surface you touched. If small defects were formed during the laying, it is not necessary to remove the tile and shock again - it suffices to use the magazine mixture, which successfully disguises them. The tile that is laid along with the grout looks more neatly and neat.

There are cement and epoxy grouts, which affects the composition of the substance. Sometimes the masters pay attention to the silicone sealant, but it is not intended to replace the grout, and is required in order to isolate the tile from other materials.

The simplest fugue is cement. Even if the master is not an experienced tile, a good result will be in any case. It consists of cement, which is characterized by small grooves, plasticizers and all sorts of additives. In addition, pigments are present in the magazine mixture. In the indemnity procedure or water-based latex, the substance becomes plastic and resembles a putty in appearance. There are cement mixtures for narrow seams, the sizes of which reach 5 mm reach, and for wide - more than 5 mm. In the latter case, an additional component is introduced into the material, the sand, with wide seams, the grains should be greater. Cement grouts are sold ready and in the form of a dry powder, packaged in paper bags. The finished compounds do not require training before use, but they are not very practical, as they are able to quickly fall asleep after the wizard opens the container, and therefore are suitable only at once. Dry powder should be shown in water, it is also possible to use latex for this purpose. Having bought a bag, you can apply a small number of fugues, and the rest is sent for storage in a dry place. Cement grouts are distinguished by a wide range of colors and availability in terms of cost. However, they are not resistant to different contaminants and destroy if they have an impact with the means of household chemicals. In addition, when exposed to moisture, they will lose their properties, therefore, for use in pools, saunas, they buy an epoxy grout on the table top.

Epoxy fusion is inherent viscous consistency. It is because of this that it is better to use professionals, since when working you need to be extremely neat. The substance consists of epoxy resin, in which there are modifying additives and filler, which is represented by quartz sand, and hardener. Often in epoxy grout contains brilliant components to increase the decorative effect from the facing. To obtain a working mixture, these components are mixed, as it is sold separately, acquiring a dense, elastic look and increased viscosity. Apply such a mass - a heavy lesson, but at the same time the seams received will delight with their quality, durability, bright color. And the durability is truly impressive - about 40-50 years. This substance is also resistant to pollution, reproduction of fungi, chemical medium, water exposure, although it has a high price. Due to its high properties, an epoxy-based grout, applied when laying tiles in industrial premises and filling seams formed between metal tiles.

When choosing grouting for tiles, it is recommended to pay attention to its colors:

  1. Despite the fact that the cement magazine mixture contains pigments in its composition, the desired shade is obtained not to choose in each case. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase in addition the coloring substance - gouache, which is well used with a white fugue.
  2. Epoxy grout aggregate painted initially. For glass panels, transparent is specially manufactured. It happens brilliant, namely under gold, bronze or silver. Thus, problems with the choice of tone of the material under the tile does not occur.
  3. To support the overall style in the interior, choose the grout, which in color scheme is harmonized with tiles. If the surface is dark, then the "smear" take even darker, but only one tone. Tile, which has a light shade, separate the bright fugue. When using a tile of several colors, consider the predominant color in the room.
  4. Remember that the most win-win option for the walls is the purchase of a white fugue. But on the floor she will no longer look so flawless and quickly pollute. Therefore, take a gray or dark grout for outdoor facing.

In addition, the grout made on the basis of Furana resin was presented quite recently, which is characterized by high resistance to the aggressive environment. But the procedure for its use is specific, as it requires pre-processing of tile wax. Footprints that are left to the surface on the surface are removed exclusively with a hot steam.

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