  • Sealants
    Repair work - both external and internal - often require the use of mounting foam. This material has a high degree of adhesion, due to which it is firmly fixed on the working surface.
    25.01.2018 438 0
  • Sealants
    Silicone sealant has water resistance, durability, elasticity, so it is used to seal various surfaces.
    26.02.2015 1173 0
  • Sealants
    The guarantee of a highly sealed seam is hidden in proper preparation and possession of simple skills. Studying the appliances of the sealant will save from a heap of trouble: a stubble, flowing design and discarded clothing.
    26.02.2015 1001 0
  • Sealants
    Grout is a special building composition, which decoratively disguises the seams between ceramic and porcelain tiles.
    18.11.2014 1196 0
  • Sealants
    Mounting foam - universal insulating sealant, irreplaceable in modern construction and repair work.
    17.10.2014 1420 1
  • Sealants
    Professional builders and self-taper masters love to use the mounting foam. At the same time, they close with any holes and emptiness.
    17.10.2014 1251 0
  • Sealants
    The sealant is a pasty mass that is used to glue parts, sealing, filling out emptiness, seal cracks, butts.
    17.10.2014 1239 0
