How to remove silicone sealant

How to remove silicone sealant

Silicone sealant has water resistance, durability, elasticity, so it is used to seal various surfaces. It is easy to use, forms solid protection of seams, but has one drawback - absorbed inside the structure of the material. To remove the result of inaccurate work or the old one, which began to collapse the sealant, consider ways to remove it. Silicone sealant has a sufficiently high strength, inertia to various chemicals, therefore it is a rather laborious process.

It is easiest to remove sealant from glass surfaces. Take the blade or sharpened spatula and carefully lay the glass. If you are afraid to scratch the glass surface, you can use the penta-840 - a specialized agent to remove sealant. White spirit and gasoline is also suitable for glass.

Silicone sealant is most often used to finish the bathroom. It is usually applied to seal the seams between tiles, a tile, a wall and a bathroom. To remove sealant from the tile, first cut the surface layer with a spatula. Then wash the rag in the White Spirit and wipe the remains of the substance. You can use stronger tools for removing sealant - penta-840, Dow Corning OS-2, Silicon-entferner. However, before starting work, test them in a less noticeable place of the tile to learn its solvent resistance.

When removing silicone sealant with an acrylic surface, you need to be extremely careful. The use of mechanical removal methods is completely excluded, otherwise you can damage the decorative layer of the bath. Apply a means to remove the sealant or white spirit to the surface, let softening sealant. Then remove the sealant using a wooden scraper.

If the sealant came across when working on clothes, try to immediately remove it until he had absorbed. For this, the fabric in a contaminated place is strongly stretched and, grabbed by the edge, remove the film. Also, the sealant is easy to clean if putting clothes for several hours in the freezer. Frozen film quickly leaves and leaves stains. Already absorbed and started to eat in the fabric sealant can also be removed, dried up clothes in acetic solution. Softeful stains slightly wrap the brush. Vinegar can be replaced with alcohol.

When working with silicone sealant, dress gloves. But if he hit his arms or other parts of the body, do not hurry to use chemicals. Pour warm water in the basin and dissolve the table salt in it. Hold 5 minutes in the water and then remove the stains with a brush or pemp. Well helps a thorough washing the hands of the economic soap. But get ready for the fact that the sealant will come from the skin immediately - you have to repeat this procedure several times. A faster result will be, if used vegetable, butter. Apply one of them to your arms, rub to full absorption. Then wipe the stains with a rigid cloth or paper. The sealant will be completely removed, and you will only be left to wash your hands with soap.

As can be seen, the removal of silicone sealant is not an easy task. Therefore, it is best to prevent the appearance of spots: work in gloves, in clothes covering completely body, when applying sealant to small areas, extrude it with small portions, cover the film where the tool can get.

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