How to remove paint from jeans

How to remove paint from jeans

In every men's or female wardrobe "lives" at least a pair of jeans. Not surprising, because this type of clothing is distinguished by universality, stylish, durability. Alas, there are cases of cases when paint spots appear on them. It would seem, no longer save your favorite jeans. In fact, there are a pair of effective ways to remove stains from paint.

The first and most important rule - the faster, the better. If you "hit" in a situation, do not postpone the removal of paint in a long box. The earlier to provide first aid, the more successful there will be a result. In such cases, immediately run home, through the store with the necessary items. To remove paint, we need: oil, washing powder, soap economic, rigid fabric, cotton disks.

From the inside of jeans, on the spot of stains to put a dense cloth folded in several layers. Fill the spot outside the creamy oil and washing powder. After a few minutes, push it with your cotton disk.
How to Clean Paint With Jeans

After dissolving the trace, process the place a couple more times moistened in a mixture with a cloth. Such a process takes at least 15-20 minutes, sometimes durability reaches half an hour. Even after the disappearance of the paint can remain her color on the fabric. Continue to process the stain soap.

The fresher your damage, the easier to get rid of it. In cases where the paint has long in contact with the fibers, it makes sense to use bleach for colored fabrics.
How to Clean Paint With Jeans

The final stage of salvation of favorite jeans is washing in a washing machine. It is preferable to put super-mode, use a greater amount of powder.

If the stain is too persistent, and one procedure is not enough - do not despair. It is not necessary to throw out your favorite things in a fit of the nervous panic. After a re-process, the result will definitely show itself.

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