How to remove with clothes zum

How to remove with clothes zum

The chewing gum hardly pleases anyone. But do not be upset ahead of time. It would seem that a spoiled thing can be saved. There are many ways to remove chewing gum from clothes.

If clothes have a small size, put it in a cellophane or plastic bag and leave in the refrigerator for a while. The gum will freeze in the cold and you can easily remove it when using a knife. Try to do it carefully so as not to damage the thin material. If the chewing is left between the fibers, remove it with a liquefied gas or a canister for refueling lighters.

The chewing is perfectly removed with an iron or hot water. Put a piece of thick paper on a spoiled place and walk around it with a hot iron. Under the influence of heat, the chewing boots and stick to the paper. It is also possible to remove the root with hot water. Water a blurred place in hot water and scrape a toothbrush chew.

For thin tissues, it is preferable to use alcohol. It does not leave stains and does not discolor the material. Take a soft sponge and treat it with alcohol. Then take it carefully. Wait a few minutes and remove the ride with a wooden shovel or spatula. If the fur fabric, it must be treated with acetone and carefully combed the cheese of a rumbell with minor teeth.

In any economic store, a stain remover is sold, who perfectly copes with sticking gum. Before applying it to the material, make sure that it does not blew it out. Spray the right place and immediately remove the bums of a blunt knife. To completely scrape it, you have to apply a stain remover several times.

Cap the mug of vinegar. In the finished liquid, dip the toothbrush and carefully sweeten the rendering cheer. Try to do it as soon as possible, because vinegar is well acting as heated as possible. Trita Zhumaka until she dwells completely. If required, warm the vinegar again.

If you have an orange oil at home, use it. Apply some orange oil on a sponge and squabble with a toothbrush. Peanut oil will also help remove the gum. Fully cover the required place by peanut butter. With the help of a stupid knife, remove the gum from clothes. The chewing should be moved towards the oil so that she could not stick to anything else. If fat stains remained on clothes, apply a stain remover before washing.

Fill the evaporated place with liquid washing powder. With the help of a toothbrush, the powder in the gum and carefully remove it with a blunt knife with a tissue. Retail remains are scruffing with a nail or knife. Hair varnish also removes the gum. Splazinate a little varnish on the stuck cheek. When it hardens, it is easy to remove it with a blunt knife.

Now you know how to remove your chewing gum! The proposed ways you can remove the chewing and from other items, for example from carpets or furniture. If you are afraid to spoil things or listed ways do not help, it makes sense to contact dry cleaning. Experts will quickly lead your clothes in order.

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