How to remove paint with door

How to remove paint with door

You decided to make repair in the house, and there was a need to update old doors, as the new to put in your plans is not included. For the restoration of the doors, you first need to carefully remove the old paint - this can be done in several ways.

Whatever the way you did not take advantage of, first it is necessary to remove the door from the loops and, if possible, take it on the street, or put on supports in the middle of the room, the floor at the same time it is good to cling. Before you start, you need to remove the glass, shoot a loop, handles, all accessories. Clean the doors from dirt.

If the paint is well kept on the door and did not crack, then in this case the thermal method of cleaning is suitable. To do this, we will need an industrial hairdryer, with which we heat the paint layer, it begins to bubble and lag behind the door. At this point in the case add a spatula that carefully remove the pesting paint. Fen is very careful, in order not to damage and do not burn the wooden surface! The thermal method of removal is simple and convenient, but consider some nuances: in this way the paint can be removed only from wooden doors (plastic can be deformed, at the gland is ineffective). When using it in the room you will be subject to toxic influence of burning paint vapor. It is better to do on the street, well, or open the windows maximum, put on the respirator.

You can remove the paint purely mechanically. To do this, you will need: a spatula of different sizes and a bulgarian, on which a wire brush is installed - crawling. It is also possible to use a plane oxylinding machine, but it is not very suitable when processing large surfaces, it quickly comes to the disrepair installed on it sandpaper. First, you process the entire surface of the door with the help of a grinder with a steel brush, then everything that remains, we are improving with spatulas (used for this and such a tool like a cycle). This method is rather time consuming and requires the use of considerable physical force. Note: When using this method, a lot of dust and garbage! And work must be done carefully, so as not to damage the wooden floor of the door!

In addition, you can use  the method is chemical, that is, with the help of chemical solutions, soften and remove the paint. For this, various chemical compositions are used: solvents, acids and alkalis, special prepaid mixtures. The selected solvent is applied with a brush, it is desirable to apply in one direction. It is withstanding the necessary time (indicated in the instructions). If the door has a large number of layers, it may be necessary to apply a solvent several times. After the paint softens and squeeze, remove it with a spatula. It may be so that the paint is dissolved at all, in this case, they simply wash the door with water. Note that this method is very toxic, it is possible to use it only outside the house! Although it works fast, but the strong smell of chemicals remains for a long time. It is very important to accurately adhere to the instructions when using chemical compositions! Observe precautions not to get chemical burns and inxication by couples! Usually the purchase mixtures are pretty expensive, at home you can cook such a step: the caustic soda is poured into the water until it stops dissolving, then add tolko (oatmeal) there, we bring to the consistency of the paste.

Whatever the way you did not use, after removing the paint, the door surface must be taken, that is, to make a smooth, processing sandpaper. If necessary, if there are large and not very cracks and damage, the door will have to put out. Before painting apply a primer. After drying the primer and putty, you can apply paint.

The process of removing old paint from the door is quite a long and time-consuming. But if you still do not be lazy and do everything, as it should, your doors will be like new, and the result of the repair will raise you for a long time!

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