How to smoke paint

How to smoke paint

The apartment is boring in monotonous colors. I want to paint the walls and ceilings so much so that the color is not tired and created a good mood. Tinting paint helps choose the appropriate option.

Paint can be coated when buying in the store or yourself. Each serious-mold producer, such as Ticcurila, Deluxe, Kaparol, has a caloring fan. Ferre is represented from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand different colors and colors of paint - from brightly saturated to gentle pastel. Looking at a narrow color strip on the wine, it is difficult to imagine how the room painted in the selected color will look like. Scroll through a small capacity. Color part of the surface, wait for drying. When you are sure that the color is satisfied with, buy with a caller you need the required amount of paint.

Photo Fan 3.

For self-taking paints apply a caloring paste. The content of the coller should not exceed 10% of the total volume. If you bought a white paint - you can only get delicate pastel tones. Cheap water dispersion paints are available only white. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the manufacturer. Qualitative paints have a labeling basis, which is indicated by Latin letters. Basis A is white, the basis in and C is transparent or translucent. To obtain a saturated color, choose the marking in or C.

Photo Coler2.

The final color is visible only with full drying and depends on the base and lighting. Alkid enamels and oil-based paints during drying are dying, cheap water soluble acquire a lighter tone. Latex formulations of various manufacturers behave differently. Paints on chemical solvents are more sensitive to the kernel than water-fed. For such paints, the koller will need less.


For stirring paint, there is a special nozzle on a drill, which is called a mixer. Divide the kel with a small amount of paint. Add to the container and mix using a mixer.

Photo Collot4.

If necessary, smoked a large number of paint tool at once all volumes. It is possible to get the same tone only when the paint bucket you use the entire color of the flake.

Photo mixer

Do not hurry when painting paints. Check how the painted surface will look at a small area. If you are going to paint the ceiling - do not check the color of the paint on the walls. On the ceiling, it will look different. Carefully approach the choice of color so that you do not have to repaint everything in a year.

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