How to remove paint from the wall

How to remove paint from the wall

If you have a need to remove the old paint from the walls when repaired, then for starters, think if it really need it? If you raise the walls of plasterboard, then it is not necessary to take it. And if the removal of paint can not be avoided, then you need to know that different paints are removed in different ways. It all depends on the type of paint and from the surface to which they are applied. There are several ways to remove paint: chemical, thermal, mechanical, electromechanical.

Chemical method. Its meaning is that the old paint softened under the influence of special chemicals. Such cohesive tools can be purchased in the store, or to prepare aqueous soap soda solution at home (a soda soda is used, it is saturated in water until it stops dissolving). The selected solvent (or shredder) paints apply a thick layer on the wall surface with a wide brush or roller. We leave for 15-20 minutes, during this time the paint softens and starts bubble. Now it can be easily removed by a spatula, and small residues - sandpaper. This method is quite effective, not time-consuming, but still has many negative sides: the smell of the solvent is very caustic and toxic, and persistent; If you get into open areas, burn is formed; requires special disposal; Financially expensive. Removing paint in this way, strictly observe all precautions! Work in a well-ventilated room, put on special equipment, gloves and respirator, glasses.

Thermal method. In this case, the paint is heated (and in the investigation softened) an industrial hairdryer and removed the spatula. This method is effective on a wooden surface, on a concrete or brick wall, the paint will warm up much worse and slower. On plastic surfaces or near plastic and glass items, this method is not used. This method is also pretty toxic, since the paint during heating and burning allocates toxic pairs - it is also necessary to work in the respirator and a well-ventilated room.

Mechanical method. That is, we remove the paint from the wall with a chisel and hammer or ax. This method is quite slow, requires the costs of physical forces, but not toxic, financially very economical, not attendant. Its meaning is that with the help of a chisel or an ax, notches are applied, the closer one notch to the other - the easier it will take off the paint. After applying notes, I wash the wall well, we give water to absorb 5-10 minutes, and then we remove the axes with the axis moving movements (combat) the residues of the paint.

Electromechanical method. It differs from the mechanical method by the fact that the paint from the walls is removed using electrical instruments: perforator, mills, grinders, drill with different nozzles (metal brush, chains). The choice depends on what is available or is it possible to purchase. These tools greatly facilitate the process of removing paint, effective for large amounts of work, but forms a very large amount of dust and a lot of noise. In addition, cleansing nozzles quickly wear.

On the choice of a method for removing paint can be said one thing - universal yet exists. Practice shows that the optimal option for removing old paint from the walls is a combination of several ways that are convenient for you. And remember! Whatever way you do not choose - use protective equipment and clothing, especially need to protect your eyes and respiratory tract.

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