How to get rid of mold on the walls

How to get rid of mold on the walls

The appearance of mold in the apartment is not a sentence. For its complete destruction without consequences, it is enough once correctly to handle infected places.

You will need:

  • Putty knife;
  • Brush;
  • Capacity;
  • Water;
  • Means for combating mold "Biotol" company Eskaro;
  • Primer, warning mold "Aquastop Bio" of Eskaro.

If the mold appeared on the wallpaper, unfortunately, it would not be possible to wash it away. Therefore, they will have to "contempt." We take the spatula and, ranging from the seam, scrape the infected web with the wall. So that wallpaper is easier to be easier, wet their water. If the walls are painted, then scraper paint. Wall is ready for further processing.

Remove the wallpaper

If removing the wallpaper, you noticed that the disputes penetrated the plaster, boldly remove it. This will help you a perforator or hammer and chisel. In places of placement, the fungus was formed emptiness. In the future, they could cause the wall collapse. You can detect emptiness to work. To do this, knock on the wall. The deaf sound testifies to the presence of an air cavity.

We rent plaster

The means from the spill "Biotol" concentrated, it is impossible to use it in its pure form. We dreamed it in the water according to the instructions 1:20 (1 cap per 20 liters), we apply to the wall with a spray or roller, let me absorb. After 2 hours, repeat the procedure. To prevent mold prevention, it is recommended to add 25ml to 1 l solution, paint or putty.

We prepare the primer "Aquastop Bio". We dilute the concentrate 1:30 (1 cap on 30 liters) with water, stirring and cover the processed areas. Hyd, primer forms a barrier layer that prevents the fungus re-appearance.


The dried wall is plastered and make finishing at will.

That's all! Mold you will no longer be disturbed.


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