How to get rid of mold on the wall

How to get rid of mold on the wall

The problem of the appearance of mold in the house is a terrible dream for many owners. Mold spoils not only aesthetic type of things, walls, ceiling, tiles, but is the pathogen of different chronic diseases, for example, allergies. Therefore, at the first signs of the appearance of plates of mold, it is necessary to ruthlessly destroy them and prevent re-appearance.

In order to get rid of the mold once and for all, you need to eliminate the reasons for the appearance of this simple fungus. The most common causes of appearance are the high humidity of the room with insufficient ventilation. In the risk area: raw houses, apartments on the first floor, bathrooms, also affects a large number of tropical plants that require abundant moisture, in the room.

The first signs of the appearance of mold in the room are the smell (raw and sharp) and barely noticeable spots of gray, black or whitish colors. If these stains have fired on the wallpaper, it is necessary to remove the wallpaper and hold a whole set of action to combat mold:

  • Mechanically clean (dismiss a rigid brush) walls, floor, ceiling. Even if the fungus affected only the angle of the room, it is necessary to go through all directions from him, because the fungus is the disputes of the minimum sizes that cannot be noticed without growing it.
  • Processing the entire surface with antiseptic and antifungal agent.
  • Get rid of things that are deeply damaged by mold, and things that have been in contact with mold, which is damaged minimally, to handle means to remove the dispute of mold.
  • Create a constant ventilation of the room so that the air is not stored in any remote corner of space.
  • Eliminate the source of high humidity.

Antiseptic primer. This is the best tested mold. The primer is easy to find in any building materials store. She helps to get rid of mold and warns her appearance in the future. Application of this substance requires complete purification and drying of the walls. With a serious damage to mold of the plastered wall, it is required to remove the plaster to the concrete slab or brick.

Folk remedies for the fight against mold. Home methods of struggle Wanted their antiseptic authority. Of course, they are less effective than special primer, but less toxic:

  • Bleach. Well suitable for cleaning tiles in the bathroom, glass, floor, but many things under the influence of the bleach are spoiled.
  • Table vinegar. More suitable for the prevention of mold appearance. Vinegar spray or wipe with a dipped cloth along an infected surface.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The substance is non-toxic, does not distinguish the caustic smell, but has a whitening effect.
  • Ammonia. Well destroys mold on solid surfaces, but not effective on porous. The alcohol is mixed with water (1: 1), spray, wash after a few hours.
  • Baking soda. Natural and safe household cleaner. Just rinse with a sponge in soda solution (1 tsp for 200 ml of water) surface and things. It is not necessary to wash off completely soda, it prevents the mold.

To establish good air ventilation in the room you need to check the system of house ventilation. If the burning match goes out near the ventilation lattice and the local cleaning of the air duct did not help, you should call the housing workers to carefully check and clean the system of the house ventilation. If plastic windows are installed in the house, which are an interference to air circulation, then more often carry out the rooms. Can be installed on the frame a special supply device for additional ventilation.

To reduce humidity, it is possible to use waterproofing from the inside or insulation using modern building materials. But if the wall is wetting, you need a cardinal solution - repair of the wall outside. You can contact the organization responsible for exploiting the house, and you can hire industrial climbers yourself. The last option, though it turns out in a round sum, but will be the fastest and most effective solution to eliminate the problem of mold of walls.

In the fight against mold, do not forget about personal safety measures: use rubber gloves and protective mask. Before applying chemicals and during the entire process of combating an infected surface, try to isolate small children and pets.

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