How to get rid of mold in the bathroom

How to get rid of mold in the bathroom

The black mold on the surfaces in the bathroom has not only not aesthetic look, but also can bring serious harm to the health of the owners of the apartment. Malicious disputes The fungus penetrate the finish, capable of coming in bronchops and light people. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of such a neighborhood as soon as possible.

Overhaul of the bathroom. The most radical and effective method. All finishing, paint, whitewashes are removed and a thorough drying of the walls with a construction hairdryer is made. To get rid of the dispute of mold, have already managed to penetrate deep into the walls, antifungal primer is used. In order to avoid the appearance of molds again, carefully carry out the bath after each soul intake, install forced ventilation, as well as the door with the ventilation hole.

Copper vigor. Effective, simple and inexpensive way to deal with mold. All surfaces are processed with a solution of copper vapor. But, working with him, do not forget about safety measures. Processing should be conducted in rubber gloves, respirator or mask.

Chlorine solutions. Liquid bleach or chlorine powder will cope well with a black flare on the surfaces. The disadvantage of such a way is the caustic smell. After processing, it is well ventilated. Special antiseptic tools are made on the basis of oil, turpentine or white spirit, therefore also have an unpleasant smell.

Ready solutions. On the shelves of construction stores are presented a wide range of solutions to help fight fungus on the walls.

Along with chemicals, there are folk ways to combat fungal flare. In addition, folk methods are not worse cope with this task. Tea tree oil is known for its antimicrobial and disinfecting effect. Solution (2 teaspoons of oils are bred in two glasses of water) remarkably removes mold from the tile. It is applied with the help of a sprayer on the tile, after that it is not necessary to wash it off.

Soda. In a moldy angle, fall asleep soda and extinguish it with vinegar. After the soda stops foaming, wash the surface to any detergent.

Anthracene oil. Reliably protects the surface from the appearance of mold. After its use, the room must be well ventilated. Camfare balls or iodine will help at the initial stage of the fungus. Spread on the bathroom camphor balls or bugs with diluted iodine mortar.

Mold in the apartment is a very insidious thing that can cause serious harm to health, especially childish or weakened organism. If you notice the blackened angle in the bathroom, immediately proceed to its "repair" by any convenient method for you.

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