How to quickly wash off whitewash

How to quickly wash off whitewash

White walls and ceilings today are very rare. But still, sometimes there are such situations that, for example, having bought a very old apartment, it turns out that the surfaces in it are coarsed with chalk solutions.

In order to quickly and efficiently spine whitewash, it is necessary to prepare:

  • Water sprayer;
  • Big spatula (to clean whiten);
  • A large paint tray (in order to scrape the whipping in it);
  • Sponges and rags (for washing surfaces);
  • Stepladder (to get to the ceiling);
  • Hot water (it is faster than cold, soften the old coating).

Washed off whitewash, you need to take care of your own security. To put on the head of a golk or hat, the eyes protect special glasses for builders, and the respiratory tract is a respirator. If the room remained in the room, it must be sealed with a polyethylene film, it is worth noting and all the floors.

In the sprayer, pour hot water and evenly moisture the surface to be cleaned. Spray the water at a square of no more than 1-2 square meters so that the moisture does not have time to evaporate. Five minutes later, begin to scrape a spatula spamper, substituting the paint tray under the layers of the old chalk. If the spots of the whiteways are not squeezed, but poured a thick oily mass, it means that you turned it out. Next piece of wall or ceiling Moisturize less. After the whitewashes are removed from all surfaces, small residues of the chalk are desiccated with the help of a vet, sponge and warm water.

For washing a very old multi-layer whitewash better enjoy special washes for bliss. In any construction store, they are presented in a wide range, you only need to decide on the price. These funds from water differ in that they are not only discharged by the chalk layer, but also do not give it a lot of dust with rapid drying, and also fight with mold traces. Just like water, pour liquid washes into the sprayer and evenly moisturize the surface. To apply water or washing on the walls and ceilings, you can use a special construction roller, but only if you have experience with this tool.

And you can save and prepare the solution on your own, the solution is perfectly cope with the work and will cost quite inexpensive. So:

  • 5 liters of hot water;
  • 4 tablespoons of any foam (for bath or for washing dishes);
  • 1 tablespoon of table vinegar.

Vinegar in this case serves as a disinfectant from traces of mold and fungus, which can be in old apartments.

That's all the wisdom that you need to know in order to wash off whitening. Good luck to you in repair!

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