How to shake lime

How to shake lime

Ceiling with lime is the cheapest finish option. Despite the abundance of building materials, which are used to cover the ceiling surface, this method is truly popular, as due to its availability and unique properties is very popular. Consider the procedure for whitening the ceiling by lime mortar.

Lime is a product of recycling of limestone, chalk and some other carbonate rocks. Distinguished hawed, negotiated and natron lime. It turns out that the medium of the application of lime is quite wide:

  • The material is characterized by good disinfectant properties, so the fungus and reproduction of mold prevents the appearance.
  • Lime is used in public places not only due to its low price, but because of excellent resistance to abrasion.
  • Since it is inherent in good moisture resistance, it is made to break the ceiling in baths, shower and baths.
  • The cheapness of the material is a decisive factor when choosing lime to finish Chulana, garage, cellar, barn or basement.

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It is very important to properly prepare a solution for whitewash. For example, spots, bands, bubbles and divorces may appear on the surface when incorrect solution proportions. With sufficiently liquid composition, the color of the decoration will be unsaturated. If the lime is oversaturated with its components, then bubbles arise on the coating after drying, and it will disappear.

Quick guide to correct lime breeding:

  1. A 0.4 kilogram of lime and 0.6 liters of water should be used for 2.5 square meters of surface.
  2. For the finishing coating to get more resistance, add Oliflates to the composition of 0.3 tablespoons.
  3. For normal crystallization of the solution, it can be introduced into its composition 5 g of salts, since sodium chloride is able to attract additional moisture, which is present in the air.
  4. In addition, such crystalline substances such as aluminum-potassium alums, which contain 10.7% aluminum oxide, are used to increase the coating strength, in the amount of 0.2 kg per 10 l.
  5. Achieve a bluish shade, which looks favorably with artificial illumination, it turns out by introducing 20 g of blue in the mixture.
  6. After kneading, the composition must be strain through the sieve to remove lumps, grains and unwanted impurities.

Features of preparatory work before paving the ceiling of lime:

  • Remember that finishing works are carried out when cloudy weather, or in the evening. This is explained only by the properties of the material: Lime does not like heat and direct sun rays.
  • Without preparation of the surface, the whirlwinds will not be kept. It causals very quickly if the ceiling was finished with chalk, and at the same time you ignored the preparation stage.
  • Ring from the ceiling dust, pollution and fat stains, and with them and old blots. To do this, it is pre-setting the floor and furniture with a polyethylene film. Using a brush, moistened in a warm soap solution, moisturize the whitewash. It is recommended to work on squares, scraping wet sections with a spatula.
  • To prevent pollution of the floor, substitute the pallet under the processing.
  • If there are still areas with a whitewash, wash it with a wet sponge.
  • To clean very contaminated areas, use a solution of copper mood, which should be pre-dissolved in boiling water. In addition, it is recommended to use a 3% solution of acetic acid.
  • After removing the whirlwind, skins formed by the ceiling plates, a special ribbon, called sickle.
  • If there are cracks in the ceiling surface, they should be eliminated by shtclothesia, and then hesitate these places with sandpaper.
  • At the next stage, the ceiling must be primed and waited until it dries.

When choosing a tool for plating a ceiling, you should consider the amount of work. Traditional is the use of a brush. But with a large area that needs to be processed, it is better to abandon the manual tool in favor of the sprayer or spray gun. Be careful: while working with lime, protect your eyes with glasses and dressed gloves!

When Lime Whores, you need to do 2 layers, the second at the same time is applied to the previous one, which has not yet had time to dry, so that the whirlwinds have gained greater strength. It is important to know that the lime whirlwinds will be strong when carbonization of lime, which is saturated with carbon dioxide. To create the right conditions for this process, the surface should remain wet. Therefore, in front of the immediate trim, the ceiling is to moisten the surface. If you have done all work correctly, the coating will last at least 3-4 years.

In addition, with the help of lime, it is possible to blees not only the ceiling, but also the walls, also in 2 layers, since the bottom can be shifted. For this, it is prepared not too thick solution and use a wet brush. When applying lime to the old plaster in the solution, be sure to add 2-4% of the oil.

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