Than setting the oven.

Than setting the oven.

Finishing work should be proceeding no earlier than a month after the completion of the installation of the furnace. At this time, it is advisable to actively use the furnace for the purpose: thus the materials will be faster than the shrinkage, and the binding solution will finally dried and hardens.

The most accessible facing of a brick furnace: a decorative pattern (RUST), Mazanka, Painting, Plaster.

From modern finish methods, cladding is allowed with a variety of building material, such as:

  • Figured, majolica, terracotta tile;
  • Tiles or chammed tiles - specially prepared handmade tiles;
  • Decorative or natural stone.

Consider in more detail the procedure for applying plaster on brickwork. Material For this purpose, you can choose in a specialized store or cook with your own hands a conventional clay solution. Such multicomponent mixtures are used to plastering the furnace:

  • From plaster and lime;
  • Cement, clay and sand;
  • Lime with the addition of sand and clay.

Stages of work on stove plastering:

  1. We deepen intermediate connections between bricks per 1 cm, previously cleaned the surface from dust and dirt.
  2. In order for the surface to be smooth, exhibit lighthouses and plumb. More information about the right placement of beacon you can read in our article.
  3. To the wire laid down when laying the oven, fasten the steel grid with chess cells at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
  4. Warming the oven before starting work.
  5. We wat the hot surface of the brick, we apply plaster with two layers in the range of 4-6 mm. The first layer is more liquid, the second pusher.

The next simplest furnace finish method lies in brick processing whitewash or paint. We carry out such actions:

  • The furnace surface should be smooth: we wash it with brick and wet the water. Or shook the furnace.
  • Ground brick stag in several goals. We choose a primer with deep penetration into the material.
  • After the primer is dry, staining the furnace. Before painting, it is desirable to shock the surface of the brick bag - the furnace will look better. Paint is chosen on the basis of glue - this is the optimal option. Metal parts cover paint resistant to high temperatures: for example, organic flock coating.
  • We carry out the plaster. You can take a solution from lime with salt in the amount of 100 g of salts on the bucket. As an option, you can add staining components, such as ocher or ultramarine, in a haired lime solution with blue.
  • To such a decor, like RUS, will overtake the preliminary plastering of the furnace, and after you can already squeeze or draw any pattern in fresh plaster.

It is beautiful and inexpensive to cover the furnace by majolic, curly or terracotta tile. To prevent the lag behind the lining from the brick, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the level of expansion when heating, which has its own material. Tile and brick must have approximately the same indicators. For these purposes, before starting work on facing, a lining of the furnace is carried out - protection of bricks from temperature drops. Laying the tiles should be made on the plastered surface. It is not recommended to take a tile of large sizes - in the process of work it will be easily damaged, for trimming on the part to apply tiles. For laying, choose a good proven adhesive base to avoid troubles later. It is desirable that the packaging is clearly indicated "for furnaces and fireplaces."

The decoration of the furnace with a decorative stone does not differ from tile facing, except that the preparation of the material to the finish:

  • Lay out the stones on the floor as you will perform laying.
  • Indicate all the stones in order - number each: the number of stone number in order, the small numbers of the side indicate small docking stones.
  • Marking is better to make chalk.
  • Putting the base for pasting with a large salt, 1 kg on the bucket of the adhesive solution - it will provide a durable fastener of the stone finish.

Dear, but the spectacular way of finishing the furnace is decor with tiles - handmade tiles from ceramics. Such material has a number of advantages over the rest of the finishes: it is easy enough to install, it is easily clean and cleaned, well holds and isolates heat, thereby increasing the furnace performance. Finishing with tiles is the best option for the furnace, but there is one drawback - it is performed only at the time of masonry. That is, this option is not suitable for the finished furnace.

For the furnace, it is suitable as the simplest finish options and complex expensive materials. The appearance of the oven surface is entirely dependent on your capabilities and wishes.

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