How to set the iron oven brick

How to set the iron oven brick

For metal furnaces, certain advantages are characterized: Fast warming, low fuel consumption, simple installation and attractive price. However, they have a significant disadvantage - low inertia, since the gland is treated almost immediately after the firewood is rooted. The problem is solved by a brick-plating device, which is available for its own.

To put the furnace with brick, you will need:

  • Ceramic brick;
  • Clay solution (finished chimney or clay and sand);
  • Steel corners and iron sheet with a thickness of 4 mm;
  • Reinforcing grid;
  • Grout for seams;
  • Asbestos.

Work begins with the preparation of the foundation, the design of which depends on the size of the furnace (the more bricks will be required, the more there will be a mass of the structure) and from the floor device. For a small masonry, it is enough to put a thick sheet of iron, in other cases it will require the execution of a separate foundation. When the base marking is taken into account 20-60 mm gap between the furnace wall and brick masonry.

A purchased mixture for masonry is prepared or divorced, bricks are soaked in water. The wall is performed in the Pollipich, starting with the corners, and then the ranks are associated with a checker order. In the first or second row, ventilation windows 50x100 mm, located from three sides, are equipped. A reinforcing mesh is laid through a series in the seam, and each brick is aligned horizontally and vertically.

From the side of the furnace is organized by the disc, the upper overlap of which can be made in two ways. The first is the easiest - to use steel corners as jumpers. The second will take more time, but the appearance of the design will be better. For this, the formwork is made in the form of the arch and the brick laying on it.

Surplus the solution is removed immediately during the work - the dry mixture is much more difficult to separate. After completing the masonry, it leaves for a few days until complete drying. Then the first (nonset) protood is produced, after which the seams are proceeded. The material can be served independently divorced solution, but the best result will give the use of a special grout recommended for furnace work.

In conclusion, another advice: brickwork can be brought to a completely clean and brilliant state, using a brush and a conventional soap solution. Another way to finish the furnace is facing with tiles, shown on video.

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