How to drown a stove

How to drown a stove

Not every private house is connected to the central heating system. If it happened that your home is related to this category, the only thing that remains you is to use the furnace. To warm well and economically, the house is not enough to tram it - it must be done correctly.

The first thing should be cleaned both chambers of the furnace from ash and ashes and open a valve. If your oven has not been used for a long time - it is necessary to warm the chimney so that the cold air will not become an obstacle to the free exit of smoke. To do this, take some small paper sheets, twist them with a tube and put in the firebox as deep as possible. Fit up paper. The light buzz that appeared would indicate that the furnace traction is in order and you can proceed to its ignition. If the first time get rid of the air traffic jams - clean the chimney, select the ash through the clean door, located at its base, and try again.

The next step is the immediate extract. To do this, put a crumpled paper or bark, put a twig and thin lamps on top. Firewood should be laid parallel rows or square - it guarantees their uniform burning from all sides. Do not put the lamps tightly to each other, leave the distance between them in 5-10 centimeters. Between firewes, you can put several pieces of rachin - it will accelerate the ignition process and will ensure faster ignition of all firewood. Google paper laid on the bottom, and close the door. Do not forget to open the door pissed. After the firewood spars well, put thicker lamps in the oven, the burning of which will ensure the heating of the furnace.

In order for the firewood to be burned evenly, in the process of the furnace, mix them several times with the help of a kocher. But it is not necessary to do it too often, as the opening of the door entails entering the furnace of cold air, which ultimately leads to its premature cooled. When all the firewood burns around, with the help of the kocherg, break the large coals into smaller and distribute them inside the furnace with a smooth layer. So that the heat accumulated by the walls of the furnace did not go out through the pipe, cover the flap of about 75%. In no case, do not close it completely immediately after you protouted the furnace, as this can entail a carbon monoxide poisoning. Fully damper can be closed when all the coals darken and red lights will completely disappear.

Owning the information set out above, you can easily protrude your oven with the greatest efficiency, without experiencing any difficulty.

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