How to build a Russian oven

How to build a Russian oven

The classic Russian oven is designed to feed, warming and delight comfort. Already 6 centuries, a person does not get tired to admire this subject, simple and multifunctional. And at present, worthy of respect for the owner, who has decided to create a stove with his own hands. You can build a simple oven even in a small house.

Choose a suitable place. Drop the dumping uniform depth. Dno to the broken brick, rubble, stones. Pour the cement at once all the area to form a monolith, without voids. The surface must be absolutely smooth. The area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation at 5-8 cm is wider than the future furnace around the perimeter.

Cover the foundation with a waterproof film in several layers: rubberoid, polyethylene, only. Size 780 × 530 mm. When calculating the furnace decents it is necessary to choose the size, multiple the size of the brick so that there is no waste. Red brick must first soak, so as not to absorb moisture solution.

From above, pour and align the sand with a layer of 1 cm. By level, very clearly, put 12 bricks on the sand. Brick before laying thoroughly examine, do not use with cracks, porous, hollowly different smoke will flow into the house.

On top of the bricks apply a thin layer of clay. The thickness of the seams should be 3-6 mm. The door pondered to wrap the insulating material, for example, asbestos cord, cardboard, secure the door with the wire. Share another row of bricks.

Put the third row of chamotte (refractory) brick. All rows customized very tightly, accurately and hermetically. To do this, use a plumb and levels. Above the confusion to install a grate grid. A configuration camera should not be big, otherwise a lot of fuel will be required.

Lay out the fourth row of bricks by the edge, the Shagens laying allows the air flow to move. Substitute support for the inner partition. Bricks on the rear wall are set without the use of clay. For support, it does not use the metal, it will expand from heating and turn the masonry. Apply only the best quality brick.

Install the firebox door, fix it with bricks. Share the fifth row of bricks along the contour, the sixth and seventh row again. Close the flue door to the eighth side of the bricks and place the bevelled brick so that he guides the flame inside the furnace furnace.

Water-laced cord from asbestos lay out between the stove of the cast iron and the ninth near the bricks. Install a light iron pipe, the diameter of the pipe is not less than 16 cm, not from galvanized tin. Share a tenth row of bricks, form a smoke tube.

Fucked with asbestos cords to deprive clay and put the eleventh nearby. The bricks of the fourth row, after the smoke pipe is reinforced, delete. Clear the whole oven from dust and whitewashing. The oven all first week, without closing the firebox door.


If you make such a small Russian oven, then in the house will be cozy and warmer. It is necessary to build it thoroughly and neatly, painstakingly, then the oven will serve for many years. It can be cooked porridge in it, bake bread, dry mushrooms and berries. It is perfectly holding warm and provides stable craving.

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