How to clean the chimney

How to clean the chimney

Almost every private house there is a furnace, and in many there are also a fireplace. And sooner or later, even in a well-folded oven, which accumulated soot will begin to narrow the passage of the chimney, and for this reason, the thrust begins to decline. Smoke ceases to leave outside, and just enters the room. That's where the current question arises: how to clean the chimney?


How to find out what time came to clean the chimney? Look at the smoke that comes out of the pipe with the furnace furnace. The stove that does not require cleaning will produce an imperceptible, almost transparent smoke. In extreme cases, the color of smoke can be white, or grayish. The darker the color of smoke, the more soot accumulated on the chimney walls. Next should be inspecting the pipe. Many people resort to the services of specialists, but to do it on their own undertaking to anyone. To do this, you will need a weight, or a heavy metal with a diameter equal to the diameter of the chimney. Observing security measures, climb the roof and lower the weight of the guide in the pipe attached to the rope. If the load passes into the pipe freely, then the reason for smoke should be sought elsewhere. If the hijan is with difficulty, or does not pass at all, then dirty work can not be avoided.

Folk remedies offer to burn a few large oxic wood. The temperature in the chimney will be so high that the soot simply burns. But this method is very dangerous - the chimney can not withstand such a load and burst. Then the fire can not be avoided. You can also burn near the bucket of potato cleaning or potatoes chopped into pieces. But this is not the most effective cleaning method. It is more likely to soften softening so much before cleaning.

Modern technologies are proposed to clean the chimneys not by the mechanical method, but the combustion of a special polynovist. Burning, it burns on South. Using this method, it is necessary to make sure that the pipe does not have cracks and is able to withstand a high temperature. However, this has a number of flaws. It cannot be used to clean the chimneys with the knees, otherwise it turns out the opposite effect. And after its use in the room there is a strong chemical smell.

To clean the furnace pipes, a thick steel cable is used, with a flocculated end or a special ERS. This brush in the form of a cylinder with long, mainly metal (found and plastic) with bristles. At the end of the Yersh, the cargo was strengthened. The diameter of the brush must be selected so that it is slightly larger than the chimney diameter. In addition, the scraper and kernel may be needed, for the penetration of particularly persistent blockages.

Shut up the furnace to the furnace with an unnecessary rag. If you forget about this condition, then at the end of the flushing of the chimney, the owner will have to rub sip on the entire room. With a strong contamination, the layer of soot is pre-scraped by a scraper. And only then begin directly to clean the brush.


After cleaning, you need to wait until the soot particles are devastated down. Then open the furnace and clean it from the fallen soot and garbage. For Nagar Prevention, in the future, use special chemicals.

There is a belief - a meeting with a carby system brings good luck, so after cleaning, look in the mirror.

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