How to care for carpet

How to care for carpet

The best caring for carpet is the right cleaning. The use of detergents not intended for carpet can lead to corruption of coating.

You will need:

  1. Capacity;
  2. Water;
  3. Extractor Shampoo plus carpet shampoo;
  4. Carpet for cleaning carpet Ultan TTR-86;
  5. Dry Cleaner foam cleaning;
  6. Brush;
  7. Washing vacuum cleaner (for cleaning);
  8. An ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Small spots are removed by Ultan TTR-86 carpet powder. To do this, we find a spot, sprinkle it with a means and clean it with a brush. Pollution is absorbed into a cleaning agent without a trace. You just have to “walk” with a vacuum cleaner at the place of cleaning.

If the pollution is “driven” into the pile, cleaning with foam will help you. Mix Dry Cleaner with water in accordance with 1:20 and beat the foam. Then apply it with a brush or spray to the surface of the coating. Let us stand. The ripe mud will get wet and easily retire with a brush. 20 minutes after application, “remove” the remains of the carpet with a brush, a broom or a vacuum cleaner.


Each coating, including carpet, needs thorough cleaning at least once a year. The qualitative result can only be given cleaning with a detergent vacuum cleaner. We dilute the Extractor Shampoo Plus shampoo in the water like 1:30 and fill it into the capacity of the vacuum cleaner. We put on a vacuum cleaner a wet cleaning mode and vacuum clean. The cleaning product is sprayed onto the carpet and immediately sucks with a vacuum cleaner with dirt. Clean the carpet 2-3 times in this way and leave for drying. Dry carpet in normal mode. Keep in mind that the natural components of the carpet (substrate or pile) dry for a long time and require a lot of time for drying.

Washing vacuum cleaner

Carpet is clean! Not so terrible spots on the carpet, if you know how to remove them!

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