Leather handbag - an indispensable piece of women's toilet. Login, trips to transport and just long-term operation lead to pollution of this delicate product. For the handbag always looked like a new one, it should be regularly cleaned, while it is absolutely necessary to take it into dry cleaning, there are many ways to purify the leather bag at home.
Make a solution of 10 g grated on the grater of the economic soap and half of the glass of warm water. Moch your cotton swab in this solution and gently wipe the bag. For a better cleaning effect into the solution, add the dining room of the ammonic alcohol. Then wipe dry. Drying on the battery or iron can hopelessly spoil this product. Wipe the bag with castor oil, it will give her shine. Take half the bulbs and wipe the pollution places. When the slice is contaminated, make a new section and continue cleansing. Then soda the handbag with a piece of wool fabric to shine.So that your handbag as long as possible retained your neat appearance, do not allow winding through it, do not use abrasive cleaning, do not dry or near the heating devices, clean it from contaminants in a timely manner. Before applying a cleaning agent, test it on the invisible area of \u200b\u200bthe handbag. Clean your handbag, and for many years will please you with your sophistication.